If you want to make partner in your law firm, you need to make sure you’ve got the right stuff. This is where a game plan with specific goals and target dates comes into play:
· You must be proactive in ensuring that you establish yourself in an area of expertise and acquire the skill set necessary to become a partner in that practice.
· Ascertain what practice, business development, and interpersonal skills are possessed by partners in your practice group and, particularly, at those of the most recently elected partners.
· Look at their background, areas of practice, billable hours, client contact, speaking and writing, and involvement in firm committees, community service, bar association activities, business development efforts, and the like.
· Comparing the attributes of new partners with those of any candidates passed over for partnership also can be instructive.
· Then, take an honest look at yourself to determine where you are in the quest for these skills. Decide what experiences you need in order to fill in the gaps, and make a realistic plan with a timetable to acquire those skills and experiences to achieve your goals.
· Talk to your supervising attorney about getting the assignments you need to develop your expertise.
· Pay attention to soft skills, as well. Target your MCLE and take outside courses, if necessary, to include expanding your business development and interpersonal skills.
· You must also keep apprised of trends in the legal marketplace and within your firm to ensure that your area(s) of expertise are in enough demand to warrant adding another partner with that practice.
How do you stack up against the competition?
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