The path of education may fork again as the "preferred" path of academic results will no longer hold as much relevance in the future tomorrows to come. If our existing structures do not change, it will be unfortunate that the academic results path will continue to churn out and allow scholars with a singular focus to continue being the bureaucrat dictating policies and regulations Alternate pathways are starting to chip away that promotes much more pragmatic approaches to life and still achieve a degree of economic success. In my view there will likely be a split into a few categories 1.Academic folks who are amazing at research with a singularly focused mind to push the envelope 2. A blended generalist education which covers a full range of life skills with agility to pivot and change. This group however will not have as much technical depth as the academics who turn scientists and would be necessary for commercialization of grand challenges but may not have the know how/ vocab to dream of grand challenges 3. The technical schools continue to exist and likely co exist with future humanoid cobots that work hand in hand and provide training data for new tasks 4. Softer sciences and arts will take a much larger role as we head into a period of stability and wealth creation (post geo political resolutions) and humanity wishes to seek out humanity again through art in various forms
No teachers, no homework: School solely uses AI to teach students
maybe next time just download into the brain liao. "I know kungfu" thing.
Technologist, Educator, Visionary
2moI always warn that “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” far more than the ignorant :)