Y4N is en route to #COP16Colombia! Meet Zuhura Ahmad, Stephanny Ulivieri, Peter Bulimo, and Yuliana Rodriguez Mongui ✨ This global #youth delegation is an ambitious team with lived experience in on-ground action for #nature, deep and interdisciplinary academic expertise, and strong leadership in decision-making spaces for #biodiversity & #climate. Together with our allies & community, we will be hosting events, speaking on panels, and advocating in negotiations for: 💪 Bold, #inclusive policy that elevates - and protects - local leadership 📣 Meaningful youth involvement in decision-making and #implementation 🌱 #NbS frameworks rooted in #justice and with strong safeguards 🔗 Learn more about our plans & get in touch at https://lnkd.in/gP27XPWR We are so grateful to our financial partners who made this project possible - Global Greengrants Fund, Synchronicity Earth, and Rockefeller Brothers Fund. 💚 #UNCBD #COP16 #PeaceWithNature #KMGBF #GBF #YouthIntoAction #YouthVoiceMatters #youth4biodiversity #Biodiversity #CBD #Y4NCapacityBuilding #YouthAtCOP16Colombia
See you all in Cali - safe travels
I wish to be a part of Youth4nature in my area
Lovely having met you. You truly show passion for what you stand for. Keep up the good work Zuhura!
See you there
Amazing, Looking forward to meeting you there!
So exciting! Looking forward to meet you all there 👏🏼
Congrats to the team
Zuhura! So very happy to see this! 💫
Love this
We'll see you there! Safe travels and hope you have a wonderful time 🙌