Shopping locally is a great way to positively impact your community! Did you know that when you spend $100 with a local business, approximately $68 of those dollars stay within the local economy? When you shop with a big box store, only $43 of the $100 stays in the community. Small businesses donate 250% more to community causes like sports teams and fundraisers than their big box counterparts. That means your dollars, spent locally, make a real impact on people and places you know directly.
Shopping local isn't just a nice thing to do. It's an active way of supporting the city you call home and ensuring that local businesses - owned by your family members, friends, and neighbors - can continue to thrive. This holiday season, consider shopping locally before you shop with a big box store or online. Spend money with local artists, farmers, producers, and service providers.
Your choice to support the local businesses that make this community so unique and vibrant will make a difference you can see in your city!
Here are three opportunities to support your local community on the weekend after Thanksgiving:
🛍 Shop with local artists at the Native American Heritage Day Celebration at Whistle Stop Park on Friday, November 29. Local vendors will sell unique handmade items that day in the heart of Downtown Redding.
🛍 Shop with small businesses throughout the City on Small Business Saturday, November 30th. Small businesses will welcome visitors around the community with specials, snacks, and warm smiles!
🛍 Shop with an artist on Artists Sunday, December 1st. Artists Sunday is a nationwide movement that supports artists and recognizes their impact on enriching lives, communities, and the economy. The effort is designed to make the Sunday after Thanksgiving the most profitable day of the year for artists. Consider purchasing at a local art gallery, playhouse, or performance venue.
#CityOfRedding #ShopSmall #ReddingCalifornia
Assistant Vice President, Business Analyst II at First Fidelity Bank
3dI can’t wait to see it!