For complex images like graphs, charts, or diagrams, provide a brief alt text that summarizes the main point. Also, include a longer description in the surrounding text or link to a detailed explanation. Make charts clear for all! Summarize in alt text, offer details nearby. Visit to learn more about web accessibility and how you can make a difference. #Accessibility #AltText #ComplexImages #InclusiveDesign #VisualContent #ScreenReaders #AccessibilityMatters #WCAG #1_1_1 #A11y
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Interestingly, images make up about 21% of a webpage's total weight. Reducing image sizes without losing quality can improve load times and enhance user experience. Here are some tips to optimize images: 1) Use modern formats like WebP 2) Compress images with tools like TinyPNG 3) Enable lazy loading By following these strategies, you will see your site go up to 40% faster! ________________________________________________________ Want to learn more? Visit our website: Book a Free Meeting: #ImageOptimization #WebsiteSpeed #WebDesign
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📊 Make your interactive charts accessible to all! Learn how to choose the right libraries, ensure keyboard navigation, enhance screen reader compatibility, and use color effectively. Don't leave anyone out of your data story! 🌈 Full article in comments. #AccessibleCharts #InclusiveDesign
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Wibble++ Feature Tour: 3. "Jotfiles" [ Pertinent subcommand: "jot" ] The classic sticky note/"PostIt" note problem: you have something trivial to jot down (a URL, a couple of fleeting thoughts you don't want to forget, a telephone number whilst you're on a call), and want somewhere to temporarily store it. Myriad "sticky note" or quicknote programs; or a clipboard history manager, storing material in-memory; or a simple inbox.txt file; or even a shell command to take the input and "cat" it out to a temporary file. The material is either transient, temporary, small, or in an intermediate state, or you're in "flow" with another task and want to avoid any sort of context/task-switching; yet, at the appropriate moment, you do still want to be able to easily and effortlessly find and retrieve this information later. Enter Wibble++'s "Jotfiles" functionality. Each Jotfile (you can have as many as you like, organised by category/title) is just a flat, sectioned, all-in-one text file. Easily open/view/edit any individual section within a Jotfile; each section has its own title/index, making it simple to find the material again. - Create "jotfiles": instantly add/view/delete to a given single file(s) with sections - Rapidly search through Jotfile to find sections - Organise Jotfiles by category/name - Input directly from the console, no context switch even into a separate editor 20240516123552
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I've been a little obssessed with total HTML page size lately simply due to LCP. ⚡ Remember that using inline SVG icons are usually easier, but they aren't the best approach performance-wise. For example, here are two URLs where I swapped them to SVG images instead of inline SVG code. The images are then lazy loaded (those below the fold), but the real advantage here is the decrease in inline code. ⬇️ Also, imagine you have a landing page using an arrow icon repeated 10+ times. By loading an SVG image instead, the browser only loads/renders the image once, and the associated inline code for the image is 75%+ smaller. URL 1 (swap from inline SVG code to SVG images): 16.6 KB down to 14.3 KB (13.86% decrease in total page size) 🔥 URL 2 (swap from inline SVG code to SVG images): 20 KB down to 17.8 KB (11% decrease in total page size) 🔥 A smaller HTML page size is important because it can decrease the time until the LCP element is painted. Especially important on uncached or expired cache visits. On bigger pages, the gains will be less. But everything adds up when it comes to WordPress performance. 🚀 Additional SVG tip: To optimize your SVG images (both inline or images), these two tools are great:
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Great new blog from DiscoverEI on using WMS layers in Icon Map Pro. The WMS capabilities in Icon Map Pro have been significantly extended over the original Icon Map: ⦿ Friendly dropdown menu to select layers (where supported by the server) ⦿ Ability to add up to 5 WMS layers ⦿ Support for multiple authentication types ⦿ Ability to filter layers based on parameters (where supported by the server) ⦿ Ability to pass in custom parameters (eg time dimension) ⦿ Dynamically turn each layer on and off with a slicer or DAX measure ⦿ Specify the zoom levels a layer is visible within ⦿ Specify the order the layers appear in #PowerBI #IconMapPro #WMS #GIS #Maps #GeospatialAnalytics
📢 New #IconMapPro blog 📢 Interested in learning how to add Web Mapping Service hosted spatial layers into your Icon Map & Icon Map Pro #PowerBI custom visual? Alice has you covered, with new release blogs for both #IconMap and the new #IconMapPro visuals. Check them out here 👇 #️⃣1 (Original): #️⃣2 (Pro): Stay tuned for more Icon Map Pro blogs to come, or check out James Dales dedicated website: #DataDiscoverEI #Mapping #PowerBI
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How to Convert WebP to JPG Files: A Comprehensive Guide 𝗛𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝘂𝗺𝗯𝘀 𝘂𝗽 𝗶𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘀 𝘃𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲! #KnowledgeIsLife #knowledgebombs #knowledgeisthenewmoney #KnowledgeIsPowerful
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🚀 Exciting Update! 🚀 I’m thrilled to announce that I've revised and enhanced the ilovePDF website to deliver an even better user experience. This update coordinates each assistance consistently, guaranteeing you get the top tier PDF the board capacities straightforwardly through ilovePDF. Key Enhancements Include: Convert PDFs: Effortlessly switch between Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and image formats. Merge and Split PDFs: Combine or divide your documents with ease. Edit and Annotate PDFs: Enjoy smooth editing and annotation tools. Compress and Optimize PDFs: Reduce file sizes while maintaining top quality. Secure and Sign PDFs: Protect and authenticate your documents securely. OCR: Convert scanned documents into editable formats quickly. And much more! Apart from this, I implemented SEO Functionalities: Improved metadata, open graph tags, and user-centric optimizations for better visibility and usability. Tech Stack: Frontend: React Build Tool: Vite Hosting: Netlify Styling: Tailwind CSS Icons: Lucide React Experience the improvements here: GitHub Link: Compare the ilovePdf website: - Visit on my online Portfolio: We value your feedback and suggestions to keep enhancing our services. Please share your thoughts, ideas, or any issues you encounter through the comment box. Please note, this project was created for knowledge-sharing purposes and not as a new platform launch. I appreciate your support, and we look forward to providing you with an unparalleled PDF management experience! #ilovePDF #WebsiteUpdate #PDFManagement #Productivity #TechInnovation #CustomerFeedback #Technology
PDFTOOL - Convert, Merge, and Split PDF Files Online
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How to Convert WebP to JPG Files: A Comprehensive Guide 𝗛𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝘂𝗺𝗯𝘀 𝘂𝗽 𝗶𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘀 𝘃𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗲! #KnowledgeIsLife #knowledgebombs #knowledgeisthenewmoney #KnowledgeIsPowerful
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Visualize connections with #arrow annotations. Arrow #annotations provide users with the ability to highlight connections in #PDF content, allowing for a richer understanding of information. Compare leading #React PDF viewer #components.
Visualize Connections with Arrow Annotations
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Leaflet Draw & Feature Style Editor: Point, Line, Polygon | Online Digitizing Tutorial: This video continues our web series on presenting and analyzing data on a dashboard using #Leaflet. Today we will cover the Leaflet #Draw #Tool, which allows you to create a #digitizing tool on an online dashboard. This is a crucial and advanced topic that will enable you to edit, draw, and export any #geometry in formats such as #JSON or #shapefiles. We will also explore additional #plugins like Leaflet #OpenCage and Leaflet #Style #Editor to enhance our digitizing capabilities. Join us as we integrate these plugins into our #dashboard and see them in action.
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