The National Career Development Association (NCDA) reminds us that November is Career Development Month. (This in fact, is ‘career development week.’) In thinking about how to recognize this, two audiences come to mind.
This could be an opportunity for individuals to recommit themselves to improving their skills, expanding their professional network, or renew forward progress on their career exploration journey. Whether you are about to graduate from college, embarking on the first career position, or you are in mid-career with an opportunity to develop new skills and envision the next thing, or if you are planning the sunset of your professional career, with some questions about where your brain-time will go, I encourage you to forge ahead! Know that there are many professional career coaches in private practice to assist you!
This recognition month is also an opportunity to lavish praise on my career development colleagues. We work in many settings: higher education, government, nonprofit, outplacement, and private practice. We provide individual services, trainings and formal presentations on any number of career exploration and job search topics. We share the motivation to help others, and we believe it a privilege to do so. Thanks for your Good Work!
Let's embrace the Journey, together.
Career&Technical Education Advocate| Professional Coaching as a Teacher Program for Health CareersINYSED-licensed:CTE Medical Laboratory,Biology,SAS, SDS,&WBL CoordinatorIProfessorI Ph.DMicrobiology&Immunology, MEd.,M.S.
3wPerkins V from the CTE grant funds now exploration programs...connect them to CBO and SBO... community based and high school student based organizations aligned with CTE and you will have a trifecta to bring Z-space into middle and high school programs feeding and sustaining CTE programs #cte #acte #vision2024