Easy to Inspect is a SAAS-product.
You can create your customised checklist (if needed in 4 languages). You can start immediately with our default checklists, customise these checklists or create new checklists. We offer multiple question types (OK/NOK/NA, yes/no, scroll down, date, open). Reason codes for NOK, OK and NA might be used to create clear analyses.
The checklist can be used in the field with the app (both offline and online use) or via the desktop. An unlimited number of photos can be included per question.
After the inspection-report is uploaded, you'll receive a PDF report by email instantly.
Action takers can be assigned to areas evaluated as Not OK. Also to non easytoinspect-users. Action monitoring is included.
Detailed analyses can be made within seconds. Specifically if the filters are built in, in your checklists.
For BI-users, an API is available.