ÔBoulot helps millions of job seekers and employers find themselves every day.
You are looking for a job, the ÔBoulot application allows you to quickly find the offers that interest you and to simply apply for thousands of offers from ÔBoulot or one of its many partners.
- Simple, fast and complete search among the largest catalog of offers from our local ad site indexing engine or one of its many partners.
- Save your searches so you don't miss any job opportunities
- View every day the new job offers published since your last search
- Be notified of offers that match you
- Bookmark the CDI, CDD, interim assignments, part-time and seasonal contract that interest you to find them easily
- The offers are checked every day (legality, reality, uniqueness and freshness) for a real and unified vision of the labor market
- Report fraudulent offers to protect yourself
- Thanks to your ÔBoulot CV and the simplified application system, apply for available job offers.
This product is intended for
- Human Resources Manager
- Unemployed
- Human Resources Officer