015. “Who wants to return to the office anyway?” Designing RTO plans that employees don’t hate
‘Tis the season… to step away from our WFH setups, brave the outdoors, and voyage to the archaic artifact that is in-person offices! More and more of us are re-adjusting to the new new normal as Return To Office (RTO) mandates get rolled out.
Every company’s situation is unique, and executive/HR teams are trying their best with the mountains of work that such a significant initiative entails. As Founder/CEO of Workflow, an education/consulting company for startup People strategy, I’m keeping a pulse on the current trend of RTOs. And the overarching theme is… well, it’s not going as smoothly as companies have hoped.
But the stakes for RTO are incredibly high. Here’s a fact that I don’t think is top-of-mind enough for executives & HR teams: Mandating an RTO may result in the departure of some of your highest performing employees. They are the ones who will have the easiest time jumping to an equally good opportunity elsewhere, but with more flexibility. So, what would it mean to design a RTO policy, plan, and communications with that central question in mind?
To frame this discussion, let’s take a closer analysis of the ROI of RTO for employees. First, companies must think through how employees' day-to-day work can benefit from RTO, then actively invest in creating those benefits of being in office (spoiler alert: this means more than free lunch). They also need to be aware of the cost of RTO to employees (again, spoiler alert: this is about more than commutes). Finally, it’s all about communication – how you roll out a program matters – poor communications and misperceptions can sink any program, no matter how stellar the plan.
Disclaimer: I am pro-remote work! This is not a post about whether companies should provide remote vs. in-person work, but rather, once the decision is made to RTO, how it can go better.
1. Optimize Employees Benefit: The “R” in ROI
Companies usually cite social bonds and in-person collaboration as the chief benefits of being in office. This isn’t just about the warm and fuzzies – indeed, organizational studies have definitively proven that social bonds lead to a more engaged, productive workforce. As an employee, good relationships with coworkers are one of the most important factors in making office life enjoyable and the work more meaningful.
Unfortunately, there is little acknowledgement of this unavoidable fact: work relationships don’t just happen. Three years of pandemic chaos and remote work means that employee social networks just ain’t what they used to be.
Here’s an unrealistic idea, but still, a thought-provoking exercise: Given that flexibility is highly valued by employees, what would a program that allows high-performers* to “unlock” additional perks on top of the standard RTO policy look like?
Take it from a HR person: Policies are a necessary tool to establish constraints and guidelines for large groups of people, and often designed for the lowest common denominator out of necessity. But good People work means not stepping there. Policies can, and should, be designed, knowing that decisions will affect people differently. And top performers will not respond well to being treated like serfs by their company. What would it look like to do something about it?
2. Minimizing Employee Cost: The “I” in ROI
My conversations with in-house HR professionals and observations of various companies’ bungled RTO plans from the outside has led me to believe that those designing RTO programs are primarily focused on understanding and minimizing the costs of RTO.
Unfortunately, a lot of this thinking has been too shallow – with a fixation on commuting – while neglecting far more holistic, nuanced challenges around unwinding the effects of the pandemic and the sudden shift to remote work.
One of the most difficult things about RTO is that it collapses the countless decisions, big and small, that we all have made over the past 3 years. New constraints have been created as people adjusted to living through a pandemic, but RTO threatens to undo all of that.
People have moved further away from offices, set up their lives in a way that didn’t require them to be in the office (e.g. commute times, caretaker responsibilities, or even simple routines like going to the gym). RTO suddenly reimposes the old constraints in a world that no longer exists, our pre-pandemic lives. With the “break” of these decisions, people would benefit from far more change management leadership and resources than what most companies are offering.
But the “personal life” angle is just one part of it.
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Companies are overly anchored on the most noisy, concrete complaints about RTO – the hassle of a commute – and not enough on the less visible, holistic challenge of re-establishing effective in-person collaboration.
3. Communication is Key: Don’t snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Another quick disclaimer: I know how hard and complex internal communications can be, especially in large corporate environments. AND, I will purposely put on my most idealistic hats in this section, as I think there’s so much opportunity here beyond the standard of sticking to “endlessly approved by legal and devoid of any human sentiment” communication plans.
As is a common theme in my writing… this current wave of ineffective RTO plans comes down to a leadership shortage. And it’s hard. I was recently asked “Who is doing RTO right?” and I didn’t have an answer. This is not an area of strength for most CEOs/executives, and People teams are usually too junior and/or burnt out.
Frankly, it’s a bummer that our industry’s playbooks are so barebones. But what’s even more unfortunate is our collective attitudes of shrugging it off, “Oh well, what are we supposed to do? 🤷”
I think we could do better. Let’s dare to do better. Making that choice is step one.
The main takeaway: In planning RTO, don’t just take away remote work and flexibility, provide an alternative that appeals to employees. That means not just thinking about the costs of RTO from a defensive stance, but approaching it with a creative mindset.
It’s TOTALLY OK if the new in-person work experience is a work in progress. Most employees are reasonable people and don’t expect perfection. (Squeaky wheels exist everywhere and I get it, they’re a drain. But HR/Management 101 is to not be anchored there). What most employees are looking for is true leadership.
You’d be surprised by what’s possible if you can provide your team a refreshing, highly engaging and productive in-person collaboration culture. People will have to adjust their lives, sure, and not 100% of people can be retained, that’s ok – but they will be a lot less resistant than you think – BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT TOP PERFORMERS WANT.
And that's what top performers and leaders/HR have in common. It’s your job to close the gap and re-build that alignment.
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Jennifer Kim is the CEO/Founder of Workflow, an education and consulting company that trains the next generation of startup leaders on all things Recruiting, People Ops, and DEI. Through its flagship program, the HireEd Accelerator, Jen and her team have taught hundreds of startup leaders to make hiring a competitive advantage. Previously, Jen was Head of People at Lever and advised dozens of top startups. She is known for her hot takes on tech industry and culture as @jenistyping.
Is your company preparing for RTO? Are you a startup that wants to nail People Strategy right from the startup? Slide into my DMs 😉
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VP + HRBP | Head of HR | Pharma & Life Sciences | M&A | PE | Global & North America | Start-Up | Fortune 500 | Entrepreneurial Spirit | AI Enthusiast
1ySpot on! So many great thoughts here. Two I really resonate with are, 1.) Social infrastructure must be built from scratch and 2.) Work itself need to be built from the ground up. I have definitely seen employees come to the office just to spend their time on zoom meetings. Great article!
People advocate. Process pro. Pop culture nerd. | Building thriving organizations with people-first practices | Advisor to Overalls and Airvet
1yThat RTO collapses 3 years of decisions people have made about their lives - so true!! A lot of people have reconstructed their lives over the past few years and it's not so easy to just go back to how things were. I also really feel the tension from employees of - we've been doing our jobs for 4 years remotely and now you don't trust that we can do them? And that the perception is RTO has a lot more to do with companies' and managers' uncomfortability with or inability around measuring performance in a remote workforce than it does about really wanting people back in the office. So to your point if companies aren't proactively addressing some of these things and communicating about them they are in for a pretty disengaged workforce.
I help organisations shape strategy, connect CX and EX, and redesign journeys to create experiences customers and employees love.
1yBingo, I think you might like my post from yesterday which links really closely to this Jennifer
Construction & Development Recruiter | Bilingue anglais / français
1yI disagree with your basis premise: "Three years of pandemic chaos and remote work means that employee social networks just ain’t what they used to be." I never had any problem bonding with remote coworkers and still check in with some I haven't worked with in over a year. If anything, we worked better because side chats were focused and one-on-one. We'd chat when we were both as free from distraction as possible. No noisy open floor plans, no pressure to interrupt work to respond to a coworker immediately. Good onboarding and team bonding exercises can be done remotely, too. It's not rocket science. Remote work also enhanced my network outside my orgs because I had more time and people were more inclined. The best RTO plan is none at all. RTO's about control and companies prioritizing real estate over people. If you've been working remotely, there's absolutely no good argument why that should change.
POST-OF-THE-YEAR CANDIDATE - so many roasty quotes in this article and I was laughing a lot because only the truth is funny as they say. My fav is "I think there’s so much opportunity here beyond the standard of sticking to “endlessly approved by legal and devoid of any human sentiment” communication plans." Burn! 🔥 Mercy, Jennifer!