10 Fundamental Truths That Will Change Your Life
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10 Fundamental Truths That Will Change Your Life

Undeniably, life has its ups and downs. Whether we like it or not, life keeps throwing the frustrating phases at us. So reminding yourself in these intricate times of life about the fundamental truths of life is essential so that you can stay optimistic. 

Wondering what are the fundamental truths of life? No need to look further. Here are the 10 fundamental truths that will change your life. 

  1. Change is inevitable.
  2. Enjoy the process 
  3. Be honest with yourself
  4. Failure paves the way to success
  5. Everyone has their struggles
  6. You become what you surrounded with
  7. You are responsible for your life
  8. The secret to happiness — Low expectations
  9. Forgive & Move on
  10. Live in the moment

Fundamental Truths of Life #1: Change is inevitable

Life keeps moving on. So, appreciate the good times and learn from the hard ones. To live a peaceful life, learn to cherish the moments and enjoy them before they are gone. 

Undeniably change is constant in this world and is also incredibly important for growth. Learn to accept the change for the betterment of your life. 

People with a growth mindset embrace the change with an open heart and are much more likely to have a successful professional as well as personal life. 

Fundamental Truths of Life #2: Enjoy the process 

While working on our goal to achieve it, we keep focus on the destination and often forget to enjoy the process. That's why when we finally succeed in achieving our goals we don't feel content as much as we should. 

Understand that the process is more important than the outcome. When you enjoy the process, you can better learn things and at the same time, have more fun.

Fundamental Truths of Life #3: Failure paves the way to success

Facing rejections or failures is difficult. But giving up just because you tried but didn't succeed isn't right. All of the great people faced failures in their lives. Made mistakes, learned the lesson, and tried it over and over again. That's how they become successful. 

“I never lose. I either win or I learn.”

— Nelson Mandela

Learn to embrace the failures and rejections. Don't take them to your heart. Realize that they can't define you. But these failures are actually paving your path to success. 

Fundamental Truths of Life #4: Be honest with yourself

Being honest with yourself is crucial for living a peaceful life. No matter how hard you find the realities about yourself and your life, embrace them and show compassion to yourself. Because if you don’t, no one else will either. 

When you start accepting yourself including your flaws, you gain invincible power and become more responsible and dependent on yourself.

Fundamental Truths of Life #5: Everyone has their struggles

Everyone is going through undesired circumstances in their lives. We cannot deny the fact that the more successful or having a good position, the more s/he has issues to deal with. 

Having a well-paying job, big house, luxury car, or healthy relationships doesn’t mean that one has everything and is living a hassle-free life. Realize that everyone is fighting with problems and is constantly struggling. 

We mostly overestimate others’ lives. No matter how successful or happy people look, learn to stop being judgmental about them. 

Fundamental Truths of Life #6: You become what you surround yourself with

If you think you are surrounded by losers or complainers, believe me, you will also end up like them. So don’t allow such people to be part of your life. Learn to say no to people and their opinions that make you feel anxious and only drag you down. 

Surround yourself with the people that inspire you, motivate you towards your goals, and cheer up you. That’s how you can become the best version of yourself and stay optimistic in your life. 

Fundamental Truths of Life #7: You are responsible for your life

Let’s face it. We are responsible for the decisions that we have made, regardless of who told us to do so. Stop living like someone who is a victim of circumstances. 

Learn to take responsibility for your life and admit that you are living a life that you have created. No one, literally no one can define your life. 

So take risks, learn from your mistakes and move on. Listen to others but don’t make decisions based on their opinions. 

Fundamental Truths of Life #8: The secret to happiness — Low expectations

According to Robb Rutledge, a neuroscientist and senior research associate at University College, “Your happiness increases only if you do better than you expected. Just having a bigger salary isn't enough to make you happy.”

Without compromising your standards, you can keep your expectations low. By doing so, you will be genuinely content from within. It has to be seen that those who have high expectations are much more likely to feel depressed.

“Expectation is the root of all heartache.”

— William Shakespeare

Fundamental Truths of Life #9: Forgive & Move on

Feeling hatred, holding grudges, and bearing negative emotions can only make your life more miserable. Let go of all of the useless stuff and learn to forgive others even though they aren’t feeling ashamed and say sorry for their wrongdoing. 

The same is the case with yourself, forgive yourself over the mistakes or blunders that you have made and move on. 

Fundamental Truths of Life #10: Live in the moment

You can’t live your life to its fullest until you start living in the moment. Living in the moment means cherishing the present instead of regretting over your past or feeling worried about your future. 

To live in the moment, learn to accept your past as well as the uncertainty of your future. Realize that what’s done is done, you can’t change it. All you have is now, so be in the moment. 

Final Thoughts 

Now you have got an idea about the most fundamental truths of life. So the next step is to accept them so that you can live your life to its fullest. 

Furthermore, never stop asking questions in life. Doesn’t matter whether you find their answers or not. Because that’s how you can better learn things and achieve success. What are the fundamental questions of life according to you? Let me know in the comment section. 

I look forward to your thoughts below and @Zohaibkhan.92

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