10 Intriguing Facts You Didn't Know About DNA
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the blueprint on which life is designed. This complex code is mysterious and deciphering it can shed light upon the origin of our species and unravel the root causes of many deadly diseases.
DNA is so large that if unwinded, it could stretch 600 times back and forth between the earth and sun. This implies the challenges scientists must be facing while deciphering it. With the advancement of technology, more research in this field is opening up new information and unraveling new aspects of DNA with intriguing information as follows.
X) Genomic Dark-Matter
Genomic dark matter is non-coding RNAs that makeup about 95% of the human genome and just like the dark matter of the Universe, its function is pretty much a mystery. RNAs are single-stranded molecules that are the result of transcription -- a process that copies a strand of DNA to RNA and eventually synthesizes proteins. Interesting research was conducted where scientists located the proteins that initiate the transcription of the dark matter from the genome. They referred to these proteins as “initiation machines’. Scientists were shocked to find 160000 initiation machines in the human genome when only about 30000 genes are present, out of which only 10000 of these machines were found at the site of genes; since most genes in our cells are switched off this is justified. The remaining 150000 machines that make up dark matter are still mysterious. However, they recognize the same DNA sequences like the ones recognized by coding genes thus implying their specific origin and regulated production. Understanding dark matter can help account for those traits and diseases that are unaccounted by individual genes that signal its origin in parts of the genome that does not code for any proteins.
IX) 4 stranded DNA
It has been well established by Watson & Crick in 1953 that the structure of DNA is a double-helix. But that is not the only structure exhibited by DNA. It can also exist as alternative duplexes, triplexes, and quadruplexes. One such quadruplex or 4 stranded DNA is the i-motif composed of the sequence d(TCCCCC). They are formed in cytosine rich regions of DNA under acidic conditions. The structure is held together by hemi-protonated (protonated at only one end) and intercalated cytosine base pairs (C:C+). I-motifs are basically tetramers that exist in two different forms. One form is where C-C+ is located at the 3’ end while in the other it is located at the 5’ end of the DNA. Tetramers are nothing but 4 identical monomers or molecules held together.
What’s special about i-motifs is that it has potential applications in nanotechnology since the structure can be regulated by altering pH levels to suit particular needs like building nanomachines, assembly of gold nanoparticles or as sensors to map pH changes in living cells. However, the presence of i-motif in-vivo (inside the human body) was debatable until a paper published in 2018 confirmed its presence in the human nuclei. They found that its formation is highly cell-specific and most prominent in the late G1 phase of cell division characterized by transcription and cell growth. Since cancers are associated with lower intracellular pH, more research about these quadruplex structures may open new doorways for research.
VIII) We are 99.9% similar.
What is it about 0.1% of our DNA that makes us different? The human genome consists of three billion base pairs, so 0.1% variation means three million base pairs! Gene variation occurs as a result of mutation when cells make mistakes while copying the genome during cell division. When mutations occur in sex cells, it is passed down to the offsprings. On average there are about 100 new mutations that are unique to every individual.
Also, 0.1% of DNA different in one may not be the same 0.1% that is different is another. Scientists extracted genomes from two groups of size 10,000 and 15,000 and found variations in 146 million and 254 million unique positions in their genomes, respectively. This accounts for variations in 4.6% and 8% of the total genome of the participants. As more people show interest in personal genetics and opt-in research to learn about their own genetic makeup, bigger the data pool for researchers to study the genome and understand these variations in-depth.
VII) New Role for Junk DNA
Junk DNA also known as satellite, non-coding or selfish DNA were rendered useless by scientists since they did not code for any proteins and their repetitive nature was thought to make the genome unstable and more susceptible to diseases. But if they do not serve any purpose, why hasn’t evolution eliminated it already?
Scientists conducted an experiment using D1 protein extracted from Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies), which binds to junk DNA and found astonishing results. Upon extraction of this protein, the germ cells -- cells that form sex cells (sperms and eggs) were found to be dying. These dying cells had pieces of genome forming micro-nuclei or tiny buds outside the nucleus. Cells cannot survive unless the entire genome is enclosed inside the nucleus. Similar experiments were conducted in mouse cells revealing similar results. This D1 protein having multiple binding sites binds to different regions of the chromosome and packs the genome together in one place inside the nucleus. Thus, scientists concluded that junk DNA is essential for cell survival not just in fruit flies and mice but in humans as well to keep the DNA embedded in the nucleus.
VI) DNA can distinguish between two quantum states
Quantum systems and biological molecules were always considered to be poles apart by scientists mainly due to their sizes and the temperatures in which they operated. Quantum phenomena occur at extremely small states of atoms and molecules under absolute zero conditions while biological molecules are generally quite large in size and function under warmer conditions. But as per research conducted in the Weizmann Institute of Science DNA can differentiate between two quantum spins.
DNA is chiral in nature, i.e., it exists either as a left or right-handed molecule. In fact, DNA can be considered doubly chiral due to the orientation of individual strands and the direction of the helices’ twist. Researchers exposed self-assembling, single layers of DNA attached to a gold substrate to a mixed group of electrons having both directions of spin. Results showed that longer biological molecules reacted with electrons having one kind of spin and not with the other. Also, single-stranded and damaged DNA did not show any specificity to particular electron spins. These results indicate that the chiral nature of DNA somehow sets preferences for particular spins in electrons. These findings can be quite relevant in biomedical research and spintronics.
V) 5th and 6th Nucleotide bases
It is a well-known fact that A, T, G, and C are the four nucleotide bases that make up the DNA. However, research in the field of epigenetics has emerged with two new bases, 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) - the 5th base which can be converted to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) - the 6th base. They are abundant in the brain and embryonic stem cells and perform a number of biological functions in gene expression, DNA methylation regulation, and cancer development. The vast uniqueness in organisms is not exhibited by genes alone but in part from the regulation of their gene expression.
By a process called DNA methylation an enzyme DNA methyltransferase attaches a methyl group to cytosine creating a stable nucleotide called 5 methylcytosine (5-mC). This results in switching off of the genes in the promoter region of the DNA where transcription is initiated. 5-hmC constitutes 0–15% of the total cytosines in DNA extracted from the brains of adult rats, mice, and frogs. Its functions include modification of chromatin structure and inclusion or exclusion of DNA-binding proteins.
IV) Rate of Human Mutation
New mutations are responsible for genetic diseases. Understanding the rate of mutation can throw light upon how it varies in different regions of the genome and between individuals. A study was conducted where Y chromosomal DNA of approx. 10 million nucleotides of two men separated by 13 generations were compared and only 4 true mutations were reported. This gives a mutation rate of 1 in 30 million nucleotides each generation i.e., 100 to 200 genetic mutations per person.
Compared to our closest primates chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, human mutation rates have slowed down significantly. The study took into consideration 10 primate families and compared it with the data on the rate of human mutation. Results showed more mutations in apes as compared to human families with parents of the same age. It was concluded that annual mutation rates in apes were about three times higher than in humans.
III) DNA Repair
The human genome is packed remarkably with two meters of DNA molecule inside a 10-micrometer cell nucleus. In-spite of such robust packing, the human genome experiences approximately 1000 DNA damages every day. During DNA damage, the genome’s structure and function are highly affected and if left unrepaired such damages can lead to cancer or cell death. Until recently, scientists were unable to identify the exact mechanisms and dynamics of DNA repair; the knowledge of which could be extremely beneficial in cancer diagnosis and therapy.
As per the analysis of 20000 DNA breaks in over 600 cells, it was found that at the site of DNA damage, DNA became much denser and condensed, resembling a small island floating in an ocean of uncondensed DNA. Also, these condensed islands moved in a unique way, much faster than the healthy DNA though their movements were highly size-dependent.
II) Founder Mutations
When we hear the word mutation, we instinctively think of something destructive. But some mutations like the founder mutations can be beneficial in a number of ways. These mutations can be categorized as germ-line mutations meaning they are passed down to subsequent generations but do not exhibit serious consequences as most mutations do. But why has evolution continued to select these mutations?
The damaged genes are embedded in what is known as the haplotype - a long stretch of DNA identical to that of the founder. When two people share the same founder mutation, they share the same ancestor. These haplotypes provide information about the origins of the founder mutations and can be crucial in tracing human evolution. Longer the haplotype, younger the founder mutation and vice versa. The original founder haplotype is the whole chromosome that contains the mutation. As it gets passed down to subsequent generations, after each recombination the length of the founder haplotype gets shorter over time. A striking fact is that these mutations are extremely common. While the frequency of most mutations is one in a few thousand to one in a few million, founder mutations occur in a few percents of the population. But only those individuals with two copies of the gene will be affected by the disease. The carriers however with only one gene get an advantage in the struggle for survival. For eg., a carrier with a single copy of a sickle cell gene survives the malarial infection.
I) Diet can Change DNA
Epigenetics is an interesting field of genetics that studies gene expression -- switching on/off of genes when influenced by environmental and biological factors. Research conducted at the University of Oxford on two groups of parasites, demonstrated changes in their DNA makeup which could be linked to the composition of their food. Scientists wanted to understand if for eg., an organism with a vegetarian diet has differences in its nucleotide composition from an organism with a non-vegetarian diet. To test this, bacterial (Mollicutes) and eukaryotic (Kinetoplastida) parasites differing in their food intake were considered for the study. The results showed that different levels of nitrogen in a parasite's diet contributed to changes in its DNA. Nitrogen levels are essential for the biosynthesis of nucleotides. Experimental results show that biosynthesis of GC pairs requires more energy (ATP) and nitrogen as compared to AT pairs. Nucleotides contain different numbers of nitrogen atoms (A/G = 5, C = 3, T/U = 2), (U is Uracil that replaces Thymine in RNA). Unavailability of nitrogen can thus pose differences in the abundance of nucleotides leading to biases in nucleotide usage. (Link 13) Also, by analyzing dietary components in organisms, researchers could decipher their DNA components. This is an interesting result since it sheds light upon why closely related organisms differ so extensively in their genetic makeup.
Link 7: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3938512/
Link 13: https://scihub.bban.top/10.1186/s13059-016-1087-9
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4yQuite interesting, though consciously I could only understand how 0.1% of our DNA is different. Out of curiosity Sanghamitra Moulik, are you a biology learner or have deep interests in it. After a very long time have seen a hardcore biology post on my Linkedin page.