[12-Days of Manifesting Big Dreams] Hope for the New Year!
Hey Dreamer, what a year this has been. I won’t replay all the ups and downs related to the pandemic, social, civil and political unrest. In fact this year has been filled with all of this and much more good, bad and ugly. Despite everything, you and I are still here - We made it!
I want to focus on three quotes shared with me this year. As we reflect on 2021 and turn the page to 2022.
“Our circumstances are created by our choices.”
We get to choose how we feel about what happens around us. God has given each one of us the power of choice. When, for example, faced with a fork in the road like this pandemic, we can focus on all the negative aspects related to how our lives are impacted and the things we can no longer enjoy or experience, or we can choose to focus on what we do have and the things that give us joy.
In 2022, you decide, you choose, you act, you manifest. Find the lesson, search for the blessing and joy in everything.
“Win the morning, win the day”
A few years ago I discovered the book by Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning. Needless to say, it has changed my life. I have always been a morning person, but now I understand the value of it even more. The basis is the "Life S.A.V.E.R.S.” which stands for silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and scribing. This can be completed in as little as 2-7 minutes or 2 hours. You decide. Your day can begin with all six or just one. The miracle is when you begin your day with the intention of winning the day. I dare you to challenge yourself for January. The miracle morning is everywhere with so many free resources online. Just search and start.
In 2022, make a commitment to win every single day, because you deserve it.
“Giant leaps begin with small steps.”
I have been so blessed to do the work with amazing entrepreneurs, online business owners, business executives and leaders and even some aspiring big dreamers, all mostly women. What a joy and privilege it has been, especially in 2021. The one thing that holds true is no one journey to manifest a Big Dream is the same except for these three small things. One, determining the dream target and getting crystal clear. Two, identifying goals that will lead to the desired outcome. Three, taking action on a daily basis in as little as 15 minutes every single day, and investing in tools, systems, accountability and expert coaching or mentoring to stay on track.
This year we have assisted our clients, we call dreamers manifest the following…
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I have been blessed to teach women in 2021 how to turn their DREAMS into GOALS, that become a plan to Take Action and Manifest Big Dreams!
….and it does not yet appear what we shall be…. I am waiting with tipe-toe anticipation of your success.
Are you next?
If you want to achieve this and more in 2022, I am making one last offer for 2022. Working with me and manifest your big dream at a huge discount. Click Here.
Peace, Love and Joy for a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
P.S. In case you missed it this is ONE Day Only FLASH SALE!!! $100k Dream Strategy Session >> Invest in your Dream Click Here.
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3yHappy New Year, Lisa! Grateful to be in your network!
Behavior Change Specialist promoting wholistic healthcare transition for productivity.
3yAwesome God is so goodl
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3yYasss! Congratulations Queen!!!