12 Keys to Success Through Adversity

12 Keys to Success Through Adversity

The words themselves are familiar; however, explaining them from personal experience and using analogies will help you internalize the KEYS so you can use them to your advantage.

Let’s start by defining Success. I believe that Success is the realization or accomplishment of a goal generated from a larger wish or aspiration. We can succeed in small and large measures.

Feeling successful, happy, victorious and triumphant releases dopamine, it feels so good that it motivates us to keep going. It’s critical to break down our goals into small bites while keeping the big picture in mind so we can achieve as we go and stay motivated. This strategy also minimizes frustration and disappointment.

Why do I talk about adversity? There is rarely a long-term gain without occasional difficulties or adversity along the way. You’ve heard of climbing a ladder one rung at a time, so if you fall you only fall down a little bit. This is exactly Why we set up small goals on our way to our aspirations.

BONUS LESSON: Take note that the words don’t, not, no, aren’t, shouldn’t and other “no” words are omitted (omitted versus saying “not” used) from my writing. I learned this lesson in neurolinguistics training. When we keep our thinking and our writing affirmative, we positively direct ourselves toward our goals. There is always an affirmative way to say something, it takes practice.

The 12 KEYs are:

1.     A Deep WHY: Write down WHY you want this aspiration and the goals that you set; beside it, write how you will feel if you fail to follow through with your goals. Get deep with it. It must be more than money or fame. What does achieving this goal do for you? How will it change your life and your legacy if you follow through (a life purpose, important achievement, meaningful accomplishment, helping others, making a difference)? How will you feel if you fail to follow through and give up? Your WHY is your engine.

2.     Commitment: If you want something bad enough, you must commit to our aspiration and exert yourself, no matter what. So many times you find yourself doing more for others, what about you? Your commitment reflects your integrity and self worth. You deserve to achieve your goals and live your best life; and you owe it to yourself to make a commitment.

3.     Belief: You must believe that what you want is possible and you must believe in yourself. Our minds are interesting; whatever you believe, your mind will also believe. Beliefs rule over facts when it comes to our minds. Something may seem crazy, like Edison’s invention. If you believe it’s possible, your mind will find ways to make it work for you. You may need help clearing old beliefs and rooting new ones, just be sure that you believe in yourself and that you believe that you will achieve your goal.

4.     Resilience: The ability to bounce back. In the 80’s I bought a Pontiac Fiero and learned that the frame was a resilient plastic that wouldn’t shatter easily. I remember this analogy as I live. There have been numerous situations, both personally and professionally, when I’ve had to pick myself up and get back on track. This is the most important character for success. You must be able to bounce back.

5.     Self-discipline: You use your self-discipline and willpower to fight off distractions, procrastination and feelings of fear, doubt and negativity so that you may reach your goals. Especially these days with so much technology at our fingertips, it’s easy to go down a rabbit hole. This KEY is critical for time management. You must train yourself to stay on task.

6.     Consistency: When something is new, you’re excited to win. Eventually the newness wears off and you must keep going. Developing a consistent habit and persisting through the “I don’t feel like it” moments can be tough, and you can do it. Commit to persistency and consistency.

7.     Creative and Resourceful: When adversity strikes, you must find ways to redirect, recreate or find a new way to accomplish your goals. A good analogy is when you approach a roadblock you’re required to detour and take an alternate route. Sometimes the detour takes longer but you arrive at the same destination, and you may even find some cool stops along the way that manifest other or better ways of continuing your journey. Allow your inner resources and creativity to flow.

8.     Excited about a Challenge: Excitement is contagious. Feeling that exhilaration and enthusiasm of a challenge gets the furnace going. When you are intrinsically motivated to be your best self, your chances of hitting your goals and feeling successful are much greater. Excitement comes and goes. You still need to call on your self-discipline and willpower, be consistent and persistent and remember WHY this goal is so important to you. Then you must regenerate your excitement to fuel your success.

9.     Open to Change: There are times when your WHY stops being so important to you; and if you’re honest with yourself you’ll recognize that your best life is going in another direction. Before making any changes, you must take time to discover your truth and figure out a new direction. While there are many times when help would be beneficial, reinventing yourself and developing a plan is a very good time to get help and insight from trusted sources while remaining open.

10.  Loving: When you come from a place of love, which may require you to do some personal work including clearing of old beliefs, life is more joyful and you feel better about yourself. Love is the highest vibration; coming from love, you will attract more of what you want. This is the ultimate high of achieving any level of success. Love yourself and you will have plenty of love to share.

11.  Authentic: Be the best you that you can be. You may need to do some personal work to dig deep and take stock of who you really are, without should-be’s and behaviors bestowed upon you. Learn who you are and commit to growing, learning and improving yourself ~ this is ongoing to being your authentic self.

12.  Patient: we hear that patience is a virtue, it is so true. Patience allows you to sleep on it. It allows you to ruminate myriad ideas, make notes, talk to trusted advisors and people who want you to succeed. I remember my mom once told me “You don’t have to decide right now.” This advice has helped me enjoy the process of imagining possibilities and the process of making decisions with no pressure. Sometimes you are under pressure and need a plan, fast; however, have you ever noticed how things always have a way of working out? Allowing some patience may be the KEY to your next step.

Everything I've written about here is from personal experience. I've done the work and know how to help others dig deep with tools and strategies to be clear and on point with their purpose and aspirations.

Learn more about Shoshanna by visiting Udeserve2know.com


Aurelie Gnany

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