13 Laws of Servant Leadership
Last week we looked at Law #5. This week we look at the sixth law. To read about previous laws, click here.
Law#6 - Over-communicating is an Oxymoron
In today’s distracted world, it’s really difficult to over-communicate. It’s hard to know if one’s message is being heard when people are overwhelmed at work and have emails, texts, Jabber, or Slack messages to respond to. Even without all of these things, communication is hard because we are people.
We all have different backgrounds and histories that create filters that each message is sifted through. These filters can create assumptions and expectations that are completely different for two people who heard or read the same message. An old adage states that one should tell one’s most competent subordinate a message one time. The next most competent should hear or see it two times. One’s least competent subordinate may need to hear/see the message multiple times. It’s time to throw this adage out. Sharing a message a multiple times with everyone is just the right thing to do - even with your most competent employee.