13 productivity tips for entrepreneurs

13 productivity tips for entrepreneurs

Why only entrepreneurs, you might ask?

An entrepreneur wears multiple hats and whatever your own profile, you can find a reflection of your challenges in that of an entrepreneur. 

But before we dive into these productivity tips for entrepreneurs, let’s discuss a bit on the historical perspective of the term.

Productivity should be redefined in 21st century 

In economic terms productivity is defined as total output divided by the total input. In the 21st century productivity is used to measure the efficiency and ROI for the resources needed to run a successful enterprise, whatever its size.

Productivity is an industrial era concept where it was used to measure the number of units produced every hour by a person. Productivity in the modern age should be redefined to measure the impact of new skills learnt, new capabilities added.

But, to beat the system we must be a part of it and change it one bit at a time. Therefore it is important to be as productive as possible for you.

Without further ado let us dive into the productivity tips.

1. Create to do lists 

Lists help you in having a ready reference for things you need to do. As an entrepreneur you wear multiple hats and it is easy to get overwhelmed by all you need to do. Lists keep you on track and you know what you need to get done. 

Remember that you have just 24 hours in a day and whatever you are doing must dip into that same pool of time. So, create a list of tasks to be done, prioritise them and schedule into your calendar. 

2. Avoid distractions to focus on task at hand

As an entrepreneur you will have many responsibilities. To ensure a high productivity, you need to avoid distractions when you are working and focus on your important goals.

Eliminate all distractions from your workspace. Switch off notifications from digital devices or keep them in the next room. 

If you’re working in a room, place a “do not disturb'' sign on the door. If you are sharing your workspace with others, consider putting up a do not disturb sign at the top of your desk, where it is visible to others as they approach.

3. Strategic breaks energize the mind

You need breaks not only in your daily schedule but also occasionally every couple of months. Being an entrepreneur is mentally exhausting and you need to give your mind a break more than your body. Take a short holiday or long vacation. Go with your family or school gang. Whatever takes your fancy.

There is just one rule.

Tune out of work and immerse yourself in whatever you are doing. 

4. Use technology to boost productivity

Many factors affect your productivity and using technology for different aspects of work can help drive it without much effort. Be it planning your day, analysing your marketing efforts, getting data insights; there is a tool for everything. 

But it’s not important to use tools just for individual tasks but also integrate them whenever possible to make your work easier. Integrations help you save not only time but also automate your workflows so that you don’t goof up on important tasks. 

5. What is your why

When you do the same things day in and day out, fatigue is bound to set in even if you are very passionate about your work. But when you are very clear about your why, it is easier to remain motivated.

Keep asking yourself why you are doing “it” repeatedly till you reach the crux of the matter. Ideally you would need to go six or seven levels deep before you get your true answer. 

Once you get your why, you will never ever again need to motivate yourself.

6. Manage your energy levels

For doing mental work, you need to keep physically fit. When you are skipping between different tasks throughout the day, your mind needs to remain fresh and focused even as the day progresses. You must make a conscious effort to keep your energy levels high throughout the day. Every week, every month, 365 days a year. 

How you do this is completely up to you but here are a few recommendations:

  1. Have a nutritious and holistic breakfast; never skip breakfast because it’s the most important meal of the day.
  2. Exercise or meditate or do both in the morning.
  3. Take a power nap, if possible.
  4. Learn to Say no; you are not obliged to let everyone stake claim to your time and mind share.
  5. Sleep for 7 to 8 hours at night.

7. Identify your most productive times

Know when you are most productive and use those time blocks to do tasks that need your maximum focus. This is specially useful if you struggle with focusing or prioritising tasks. When you know your most productive time blocks, you can distribute the most important tasks around these slots.

8. Have accountability partners

When you plan to do something and fail, you have many excuses. But often these excuses fail when you have an external accountability partner – an individual or a group of people. 

Try to have public accountability partners who will question when you fail to do what you committed.

Many Facebook or mastermind groups run accountability threads where you can pair up with others and hold each other accountable for what you have committed.

9. Single tasking versus multitasking

You already have too much on your plate and you will be forced to multitask for many of your activities. But still there are some important tasks for which you must stay focused on a single one. It would be unique to each person or business but some things that come to my mind are making business plans, developing solutions for unexpected problems, thinking of creative ways to cut costs, mentoring team members, etc.

I have worked with many startup founders who revel in juggling multiple tasks simultaneously while still others who focus on a single one at a time. Whatever your working style, stick to the one in which you are most productive as well as comfortable. 

10. Learn to say no

Do you find it difficult to refuse requests? 

You are not alone. Many people find it difficult to say no.

But this is what experts say:

Don’t underestimate the power of no. 

When you are saying no to something you are saying yes to something else, which is more important. 

11. Delegation drives productivity

Delegation is one of the most effective but underrated methods of driving productivity. Even research proves it.

We tend to spend more time on tasks that do not play to our strengths. And those tasks that play to our strengths we finish in the blink of an eye.

Delegation can take care of all the tasks that you find difficult or time-consuming, so that you can focus on tasks where you thrive and can be more productive.

12. Unplug and unwind

You need to unplug from your daily routine to avoid burnout. Creativity is not just drawing, writing or designing; thinking out of the box needs creativity as well.

Being an entrepreneur you are always in “on” mode. 

Plan vacations in a way that you can completely unplug yourself. You will achieve more when you attack your work with renewed vigour and fresh mind after the break.

13. Avoid meetings like plague

Does that feel like a punch in the gut? 

Are you wondering if I have gone crazy to suggest that you should not attend meetings? 

I am not surprised by your reaction because that’s the response I get every time. But Doodle's 2019 State of Meetings report had estimated the cost of poorly organized meetings in 2019 to reach $399 billion in the U.S. and $58 billion in the U.K. 

Attend only those meetings that are absolutely essential. And then, have the agenda laid out, duration fixed, and stick to them. 

Trust me, both you and your team members would be thankful for getting extra time to focus on work.

Final thoughts

I realise not all of these strategies would be new to you; some of them might already be part of your productivity management plan. I would love to know which ones you are using successfully and what you are struggling with. 

Which of these strategies look interesting and you would like to test out? Shoot away in the comments.

P.S.: A more in-depth version of this article appears on my blog here.

Oliver Ilijev

Master of Historical Sciences of 20th and 21st century




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