14 Ways to Improve Work Related Depression
How much do you love your job?
Does your job bring you joy? If so, are you one of the fortunate few? Do you spring out of bed each morning, brimming with "joie de vivre," ready to take on the obstacles that come with your job?
Do you greet people with a smile and an infectious joy? Does what you have to do inspire you, make you happy, and fulfill you? When you work, does it feel like fun? Are you satisfied with the impact you are having on the world?
No? This doesn’t sound like you?
Maybe you are just another one of the millions of people trying to make ends meet every day while feeling helpless and depressed about it all.
How difficult is it for you to rise and shine each morning? Do you dread going to work every day and gritting your teeth as you force yourself to wear a fake smile? Are you dissatisfied with your job? Is your boss more amiable than Hitler? Do people at work gossip?
Does that imply they chat about you behind your back? Does your job make you feel lonely? Are you the type of person who often wishes they were not employed at all?
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If you answered mostly “yes” to the second scenario above, then you may be suffering from workplace-related depression.
This type of depression is known as circumstantial depression because external factors are what cause it.
You would not be depressed if your circumstances were happier, which in this instance means having work that you love. That is good news!
Unfortunately, switching careers is not a picnic. Still, it is worth considering the idea seriously because it is a possibility. Here are some suggestions to help you adjust before making such a major decision. Get your day started right with a nutritious breakfast. will not even have to leave your job.
14 things you can do to improve your workplace experience and decrease your work-related depression
That being said, there are ways to improve your mental and physical health while on the job, and the little changes you make for yourself will have a multiplicative effect, improving the workplace for everyone.