19: Theo's Friday Neurodiversity Roundup 2023
Happy New Year for those who's just celebrated it. Just as a reminder this is the newsletter where I round up my weekly neurodiversity at work hints and tips.
And as it's a new year, I have a 2023 theme for this week.
Hope you enjoy and welcome your comments thoughts and feedback
My Mantra for 2023 courtesy of Michelle Obama.
Either you get on top of your fear and use it to propel you forwards or it gets on top of you.
I heard her in the last week share in an interview and her book that through fear, she could have stopped Barack Obama from making the decision to run for president of the US. Thankfully that didn't happen ;O)
She also goes on to say 'if you can push past those moments of fear that's where growth happens'
This year will be about exactly that; getting on top of my fears to find personal and professional growth!
I harness my fear every time I speak on stage. But I struggle to harness it in other aspects of my life.
Has fear stopped you from doing something you really wanted to do or regret not doing?
Or can you share when you've been able to use fear to fuel positive energy to achieve something?
How to help an ADHD Manager in 2023?
To help an ADHD manager in 2023, you should first understand that people with ADHD are often very creative and energetic individuals. However, they may have difficulty maintaining focus on tasks and may be impulsive or hyperactive.
Some suggestions to help an ADHD manager in 2023 include:
- Providing structure and checkpoints for projects or tasks
- Breaking down large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks
- Setting achievable goals and rewarding progress along the way
- Encouraging time management strategies such as scheduling time for breaks and using a timer to stay on task
- Providing regular feedback and checking in regularly on progress
Also one of the best things you can do to help a manager with ADHD is to ensure the team plugs some of the gaps and/or challenges the ADHD manager might have via their spiky profile.
The manager may be incredible at seeing the Forrest, so they may need some team members amongst the trees.
It's also important to make sure that the manager has plenty of time for breaks and relaxation, since they can hyperfocus, work long hours which can increase stress and anxiety levels, impacting on long-term performance.
What tips do you have for ADHD managers in 2023!
What can a manager do to help their ADHD colleague in 2023?
1. Understand what ADHD is and what it isn't.
2. Be patient, listen and don't try and jump straight into providing solutions.
3. Help to create a structured and organized work environment with flexibility.
4. Encourage breaks and physical activity throughout the day.
5. Provide agile deadlines and assignments.
6. Have open, honest and authentic conversations with their ADHD colleagues.
6. Appreciate the skills that an ADHD colleague can bring to the table
7. Give positive reinforcement each step of the way.
ADHD is not to be fixed!
We just need some understanding and support to ensure we use our energy to thrive in our work and beyond.
What else can we do to support our ADHD colleagues in 2023?
What will neurodiversity at work look like in 2023?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the concept of neurodiversity at work will look different in different workplaces and industries.
However, some general trends that we can expect to see include:
1. More workplaces adopting policies and practices that are designed to accommodate neurodiverse employees, such as flexible work arrangements, modified job duties, and accommodations for sensory needs. #NeurodiversityByDesign
- This should help and empower every employee!
2. A growing number of businesses training their employees on how to better understand and support neurodiverse colleagues.
- My training in 2022 has already been utilised by some incredibly diverse companies.
3. An increase in the number of career opportunities available for neurodiverse individuals, including jobs that are specifically tailored to their skills and abilities.
- Do you know your spiky profile? Prof. Amanda Kirby can help!
4. Greater public awareness, acceptance and appreciation of neurodiversity in the world and world of work.
- What do you hope to see in 2023?
Thank you :O)
Well I hope you've enjoyed my weekly roundup and I welcome your comments, thoughts, and insights or you're welcome just to continue quietly reading in the background.
Hope you have a great weekend, wherever you are and whatever you are doing.
See you same time next week :O)
Theo Smith
Neurodiversity Evangelist at Dynamis Group,
Neurodiversity advocate, founder of Neurodiversity at Work Ltd & Neurodiversity World, author of ‘Neurodiversity at Work: Drive Innovation, Performance and Productivity with a Neurodiverse Workforce’ and podcast host of Neurodiversity – Eliminating Kryptonite & Enabling Superheroes!
Realtor Associate @ Next Trend Realty LLC | HAR REALTOR, IRS Tax Preparer
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