The 2 Kinds of People ADHD Entrepreneurs Need
"Who do you surround yourself with in terms of life and in professional relationships as well. Do you intentionally hang out with people who are more structured? Or more like you?
I've been getting some great questions for the Newsletter recently. This one is really on point for ADHD entrepreneurs. Here's my take:
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur with ADHD is that we need support in two key ways:
1. Functional Support: We often struggle to create and maintain structure in our businesses. Having someone—or a team—who can organize the chaos, break projects into steps, and hold us accountable is a game-changer. As our organizations grow, this structural backbone becomes even more critical.
2. Emotional Support: Equally important is finding a community where we can be ourselves—no masking or pretending. It’s powerful to be able to say, “My brain is all over the place today—can you help me figure this out?” and know that your peers not only understand but can offer real support. Ironically, while it’s tough to do this for ourselves, we’re often quite good at helping each other.
If you can find both in the same person or group of people, you've hit the jackpot. That’s exactly what I'm creating with my Doing Tribe Co-Working Space and ADHD Entrepreneur Accelerator programs in 2025. Creating spaces designed for founders with ADHD. We show up with messy brains, get honest feedback, and give support in return. It’s a true tribe where authenticity is celebrated, not stifled.
If you’re an ADHD entrepreneur, remember: you don’t have to go it alone. Seek out functional structure, and just as importantly, find a community that lets you be fully you. It’s amazing what can happen when those two elements come together.
I’m sharing my journey as a late-diagnosed ADHD entrepreneur. I'll also be sharing what's working for me and what isn't. If you'd like to follow my journey, DM me and I'll put you my ADHD Entrepreneur email list (or just follow this newsletter)
Newsletter Content Schedule:
Mon & Wed ADHD Perspectives | Tues & Thurs Entrepreneuring | Fri Deep Thoughts
Some free resources for you:
The Doing Tribe ADHD Co-Working Community
The Focus Formula Course - 7 days to get out of overwhelm, claim your focus and start working to your potential. Special price for ADHD Entrepreneurs Newsletter Subscribers
#adhd #entrepreneur #solopreneur #founder
Neet aspo!!!!🩺
1wUseful tips