Reframe Your Organization's View of Talent
As organizations continue to evolve within an ever-changing external environment, it is evident that things are shifting talent-wise. This is not an iterative adjustment in how we view, attract and develop talent. Rather, it seems destined to manifest as a long overdue metamorphosis concerning our most important asset — people.
It's time to "shed our skin", so to speak, in terms of how we look at talent. It is time to look ahead and not back, to what once was. Organizational responses rapidly changing elements, such as the advent of social media and increasing demands for transparency, will continue. These changes are likely "for keeps" — and must be digested and absorbed, if organizations are to sustain themselves going forward.
It has been discussed, that as organizations evolve they reach certain "inflection points" in their life cycle — where vital requirements must be met for passage to the next stage of growth. But, at each of these crossroads — people are unequivocally central to forward momentum. The ability to seek, develop and retain talent effectively, is a prerequisite for entrance into any of the developmental stages.
A modern perspective concerning talent is critical. Viewing organizations as open systems, with people as a dynamic flowing element, seems key to survival.
Here are some ideas to consider going forward:
- View talent as integral to success. Relaying the value of talent within your organization is the first step. Be wary not to simply talk, but walk the path, as well. Develop a supporting structure, with appropriate HR tech and process "health checks".
- Re-conceptualize talent needs. As discussed by Lou Adler, the process of conceptualizing roles and searching for talent should, not be divided into silos. All relevant parties related to a specific talent need to be "in the room", so to speak, "at the same time".
- Ignite "Talent Communities". I can't think of any single initiative with more potential power, than a bona fide talent community. The best communities will go beyond a targeted candidate list, to tap a reservoir of skills and experience, which exist deep within employee networks. Gartner referred to a similar notion as "weak links" in their iconic list of workplace trends.
- Engage, engage, engage. Getting the message? Engagement matters at every possible twist and turn. Utilize everything at your disposal to enhance engagement, including platforms that help employees stay connected and help them envision how they fit within the larger picture. (Ideas for that here and here.)
- Develop a strong employer brand. Marketing your organization's brand is a no brainer, as cultivating a strong identity is tantamount to attracting the right talent. Sharing information about both vision and mission, are key to talent alignment. Ensure that your message is on track, with products such as LinkedIn's Talent Brand Index.
- Let the work evolve humanely. Meeting talent at least half of the way in terms of workplace flexibility, is key going forward. Let talent have a say in how work life can be improved.
How does your organization maximize its talent initiatives? Something to add?
Accounting, Administrative Manager, Finance at Ryan
11yExcellent reference.
Innovative CIO, tech professional, strategic thinker, change agent, socializing technology. Effective story teller.
11yWell-written, with emphasis on engagement...seems to be right on target!
Developing Shared Purpose and Capability
12yA great article that touches on the 7 "Es" - Engage, Enable, Empower, Entrust, Enthuse, Excite and Evolve.