Founders, “Why” Matters as Much as “What” & “How”

tldr: mission-driven founders kick more a$$

As Homebrew ramps up its investing, I’ve been really impressed by the quality of founders we’re seeing raising seed rounds. Although any investor ends up saying “no” 99 out of 100 times, many of the companies that weren’t a great fit for us have gone on to raise strong rounds and I’m sure many will be quite successful. Satya and I enjoy being transparent about our values and happy to iterate in public, so here’s something we believe:

Founders who can answer “Why” have a competitive advantage over those who can’t, and tend to be better fits for Homebrew.

The average pitch contains substantial time dedicated to the “what” and the “how.” What is the market you’re serving? What is the product you’re building? What is the customer pain you’re addressing? How will you build your product? How will you recruit a team? How will you get customers? All of these questions are essential and certainly factor into any investment decision we make.

That said, “what” and “how” haven’t been sufficient to get us to YES. In the handful of investments we’ve made to date and the termsheets we generated this week (it’s been busy), there has consistently been a strong “Why” as well.

Why are you taking years from your life to work on this problem? Why does your company deserve to exist and why is the world a better place when it succeeds? Founders who can answer the “why” are usually called “mission-driven.” It doesn’t mean they’re necessarily curing cancer or solving global warming (although they might be). Rather there’s a deep conviction that they’re on a personal crusade, one which you need to get on board with RIGHT NOW.

Mission-driven founders energize us. Mission-driven founders also have a competitive advantage in the marketplace. We believe they are better recruiters – not just warm bodies, but the best, most talented people who have many choices and want to work for something which matters. Mission-driven founders seem to commit a little more to their startups because they are giving their heart, not just their brain to the effort. Mission-driven founders build strong cultures.

“How” and “What” can be logically derived. “Why” needs to be felt. And just like funk, it can’t be faked.

If you are a founder who knows Why and you’re working in the Bottom Up Economy helping SMBs, developers and consumers drive economic growth, Homebrew would be honored to hear from you.

If you’re a superstar working for a CEO who you think can’t answer the Why, we’re happy to try and find you a new home because, hey, why not? :)

Follow me @hunterwalk

Photo: Lasse Kristensen/

Mary Jackson

Layperson at 5th Reformed Church, Muskegon, Michigan



Sean Isaacs

Lead Generation Specialist; Expert Sales Trainer & Business Growth & Marketing Specialist. Producing 100% - 300% ROI for clients using Media Advertising & Digital Marketing!


Insightful and so true. Why is the reason anything of any value is pursued with passion and persistence. Thanks for reminding us the importance of why when seeking supporters and founders for your vision. I agree with KawalPrit and others below that Simon's book - Start with Why is a great way to expand your thinking on this subject. Thanks!

Olaf de Hemmer Gudme

Value(s) Designer = do more (good) with less (goods) together ; 35 years of more innovative, frugal & sustainable products and projects across the world


I agree : 'why' is much smarter than 'how' and 'what' ! But the ultimate question is 'what for ?' So the answer is not 'because ...' but 'in order to ...'. So that you do not work against the wrong past cause but towards the desired future goal. This is what we could call "purpose management", developed by 19 experts in different fields of corporate performance, with methods based on 'system thinking' and 'value(s) creation'. Olaf de Hemmer - Lowendalmasaï / afaV

Sherri Thompson

Human Resources Manager, Canada & USA


In my experience, addressing the 'why' of most anything not only builds commitment and trust, it also provides explanation, from which one can use to spark new ideas of 'what' and 'how'.

Paul Mullis

Captain at a major US airline


Ditto, Kyle W. I definitely recommend anyone who's interested to view Simon Sinek's You Tube video about the Why - just search for Start With Why and Simon's name. Only about 17 minutes long @ describes how great leaders inspire by talking about Why instead of how and what.


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