My industry
Here is a strong statement for me and I am sure for you all too.
“All things work together for good for them that love and trust Christ Jesus and who live according to his calling”, Source
Isn’t there a all things… available to us, for us to achieve the good of more conservative use of land with grander results, a increasingly sculptured, glorious, even majestic landscape of residential and commercial facilities and operation, transportation systems, drainage and natural areas with building that trend upwards and downward instead of the overusing agricultural lands, underuse of mountainous areas and the continuing eye sore and symbol obliviousness and failure evidenced in narrow congested roads and the excess of buildings that are third world relics and slums.
- Cheaper land, design and involve infrastructure cost per square foot.
- More civilize, quick, safe and inspiring transportation system.
There is and a more fulfilling way of living for all.
I am embarking on putting this and all other understandings that are abounding in my mind (from my my growing up in the hunger and thirst for righteousness over the years onward) for your consideration in assessing pertinent issues and Jamaica to the world economic performance since independence and the issues for progress onward; empowering change with all things describable as yoke that is easily resolved, burden that is light and living that is more satisfying, engaging with increasing abundance of living for all here (wherever here is) and everywhere on the planet and beyond.
You will eventually see the reasons why I say
- It is easier for us to make Jamaica a first world country with a per capita GDP of over US$70,000 than it is for us to have Jamaica continue for another day as a third world country with per GDP of under US$10,000 (or higher) by just adjusting our near oblivious existence practices to real living by excluding the most devastating wrongs we have been conditioned to embrace:- Charging of interest, preserving principalities-national identities that restrict our focus, pledge of best effort, trade of goods or service to a lesser group than the full population (human and corporate entities) in existence on planet and more, preserving powers and continuing spiritual wickedness in high places.
Jamaica Quick Economics Facts (2014 index per www.heritage.orq/index/country/jamaica).
And projections per adoption of reform here initiated.
Essence of reform.
a).Grace based economic reform including;
b). Ceasing of the charging of usury involving restitution of usury extortion through BOJ simplified by freezing of debt, all forfeited forgiven. For the unleashing of “just” economic performance; and
c). Limiting government spending (including reserves for additional spending in futures years) to 16% of GDP. Annually. 6% of GDP from Consumption 10 of GDP from income tax. Jamaica Tax system simplified in line with Kingdom of God principles.
d) a leading move to become part of the United States of the Americas Caribbean included to iliminate principalities in the Americas and the world.
2 It is possible to reverse the devaluing of the Jamaica Dollar back to US$1equals Ja.$1 and be on the path to achieving lowering of cost in all the earth for whatever currency to beyond zero.
3 .We are less of a human being, in fact “demon possessed human being ” if we concern ourselves only with improving the affairs of not all, but one nation on the earth, like Jamaica with just about 3 Million people as opposed to all people say the population of the earth estimated a 7.2 billion (per
Each of us must work out our own salvation and I believe we can or will identify with “I must work the work of him who save me by his grace”, whose will is that “…we prosper and be in good health as my soul prosper”. “It is not his will that any should perish but that all come to life,” loosing life to all progressively, day to day, unto everlasting, based on current ensuing increasing knowledge that is to be the predestined inheritance of all for the continued order of creation through all. Press to the high mark of your calling in Christ. Fight the good fight of faith. Wage your war in words and not in deeds perfecting all things.
I thank God for the information age. The prediction according to scripture is “in the last days man will be ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of truth - (part of the reason for our poor economic performance since Jamaica’s independence. For the expounding of Grace and the empowering of change, I dare and choose to say I don’t wish for me and mine to be deemed to be man (male or female) because I learn that the kingdom of God is not according to the measure of man (it does not comprise man) but of another state of being, that of living souls. Be living soul and we will easily make the change and prosper.
It is possible to be enlightened. The start of being an ascended being is a simpler concept that than we have been led to believe. It is already given to us by Grace, for the becoming and being a living soul, of the kingdom of heaven. It is really dawning on me, us all I hope, what Jesus means when he says it is written by Moses that if a man is caught in the act of adultery, he should be stoned to death but I (Jesus) say If you look at a another’s spouse to lust you are already dead.” Functioning possibly unto disembodiment, but maybe not as living soul; and there are the many other compounding wrong lifestyle practices that are on the dark side of the spectrum of the spirit yet in of our choices making some of us dead in trespasses and sin which has assumed responsibilities of government yielding unacceptable reproach.
There are only two sides to the spectrum. Light over darkness in infinities of ways or Darkness over light in infinity of ways.
One is the righteousness of God (in Christ Jesus) and the other is the unrighteousness of God which he doesn’t claim. Neither should we by choosing to so be. Praise God.
The full spectrum of spirit is like this.
See the working of “God form light and creates darkness in even infinity of ways. Computer basics provides simile, Conciousness to infinity seeks to creates. The intention to create what is good, is a shifting of itself -consciousness to infinity to form light, by virtue of such act darkness is created. Gods first creation. God still preserve his full identity by letting all things work for good. Yet all tings need eternity to manifest and is unending eternal. Eyes have not heard nor ears heard the things that God has instore for us, yet he reveal them to his sons.Male or female, capable of anything that has breath, even the rocks.according to the scriptures in time and eternity hitherto. The computer basis uses 1 and 0 to reflect the two possibilities to basis switches. Yet 1 and zero is used to comprise all characters each letter of the alphabets of every language including numbers, to comprise words, sounds inages, pizels and everything discernable by the senses including the working of the senses, the visible and the invisible. Know yea not that the word you speak are spirit. They are discernable by effects. And Jesus being one fully with the working of The Father attain full assimilation with the father and his functioning that achieve good. I am the who comes that you may have life and have it more abundantly but the thief has come but to kill, steal and destroy. The “I am” seem to function by patience, longsuffering getting it right like in total quality management get it right in principel so teach it and implement and that comprise the essence of enlightenment with characteristic described as the fruits of the Spirit, the opposite is essentially a function of impatience, greed, pride pleasure delight in bosting and might and power and other fruits of the Flesh. Such things comprise the the thief. The I am is capable of functioning to infinity emphasized in any dirction assuming respective name. Glory. Destruction is a function of the rule of darkness over light . God understand that and coerrograph through any possibility of that for instruction on the working of the darkside. Yet to the extent such things are accepted and reenacted for it creates chaois. It give pride, it allow delight in might and power, it creates scarcity for the importance of party politics, it is the essence of being man, not living souls because they sow to the flesh and is reaping shame, death, corruption all the fruits and wages of sin.
The word of God is… good for instruction in righteousness and for direction in every areas in life. The bible is a training in spiritual rebirth and guidance in attaining fluency “ in all (how many per days per person and combine per day year hundreds of year) your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path. One shall put a thousand ,to flight tow then thousand .. what the synergy effect for 10, three million or 7.2 billion in agreement in thousand (1,000)things economically speaking or any number of the areas of understandings in life; HIM being the epiphany of all righteousness, so the government is on his shoulders. Our body his temple or we are put in shame.
He and his the way is discernable in that following such directions yield life and life in abundance. The working of such obedience or preference of the flesh is dynamic with exponential with yielding of increasing strength for increase function with less effort – Omnipotence in Rest. That I may know him, the poser of resurrection, physical levitation and motion over gravity and the understanding of Grace for increasing possibilities in the horizon of our experience of life in abundance. Sowing to the Spirit.
See the developments of the working of the two in eternity, time, in all thoughts, expressed as words, or unexpressed yet as the content of hearts, as policies, laws and by laws, effecting all things ever done or to be done in all omnipresence. comprising all omniscience and the force of all effects even omnipotence. WE ARE TO PERFECT ALL THINGS.
Let us fix shit, ALL THAT CAUSED OPPORTUNITIES LOST BY THE MASSES BY OUR OBLIVOUS HALFWIT LEADERSHIP and ever choose to be among the righteous and not the filty.
BY the Spirit of God, in Jesus, let us assess all our thoughts and practices even since Jamaica independence and henceforth within the spectrum of the spirit, both side of the divide and be of the righteous side letting all have life and having it more abundantly observing all righteousness.
Diagram of The full spectrum of the spirits for discerning of all things
Jesus said: “Know ye not that the word you speak are spirit.” Thing a thought, goun go chat, make national policy of work, but let them be one with the Christ, in the the word
My industry-all, according to me- Sheval Anthony Smith and I believe same for you all too. Just fulfill the basics for being counted among the kingdom of heaven, claim it all and let us press on with grace understanding bringing all things into subjection of the word of Good, letting all things work together for good, effecting by good policies, corrections, restitution. Forgiveness to who earn it, by efforts, care, works, walking in the Spirit :- All industries onto life in abundance, by the understandings of grace, through us living by grace effecting the Government that is on Christ shoulders, facilitated by accounting and property developments and maintenance and every other good work.
It is onto life in abundance by the understandings of Grace through faith in Jesus Christ that I devote my time and energy in these publications/presentations/works loosed on the earth. What ever we loose on earth God loose in heaven. One shall put a thousand to flight. Two shall put then thousand to flight. Words are spirits, (issues of life, the Christ). I am the life” he said whether spoken or not spoken still in the heart.
Or issues of death( The predominance of which is the Laws of man, the essence of the world, incapable of achieving greatest good without reform, as it only seem right but then thereof perceived then or shortly or appreciated several centuries later is destruction and death.
I was born and grew up up to 18 as the son of a father who though undeniably learnt in many respects did not learn to read or write due to blindness from his age of 5 to 8 and him being 1 of 14 kids to the same father and guess his unwillingness to do same. Looking back, I would say of my father, my big concern and inspiration during my teen and adulthood years was almost to the end a farmer and a gambler.
I became a Christian at age 18 and in spite of how I seemingly lived my life in some of its detail to date, I have always been a Christian in the conscious state of my heart. There are many aspects of Truth and principles of the kingdom of God according to the holy bible scriptures that are the essence of quality to life loosed into the consciousness of us on earth that I am learning to hold fast to as crucial to us living in abundance. To the extent they have eluded us or are not embraced by us here in Jamaica and rest of the world, the result has been low per capita GDP and quality of life for all. The thiefs in the mids, even high places holding back our true identity being unleashed in the earth.
Now, the information age exploding is a great time to join in applying the laws and image of God. Operating in same, which in Christ is “walking in the Spirit” capable of yielding life eternal for each and all. The human experience as we mostly have experienced it may make us thing life is short, let us have fun. Real living is ahead of us. As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end, and that which is good is eternal. Actually it is the wrong way which seem right to man but the end there of is destruction and death that has made life short. And Man shall be lover of pleasure more than lover of God. Is not to be our real identity. IN the beginning God made man ( the lesser state not our true identity) then he blow into him the breath of life and he become a living soul. Our true identity. And the breath of life coming out of our mouth is issue of life the Christ. Issue of death is possible but is in part the essence of being man. Not the measure of the kingdom of God. What are you and I. Man is not to be the answer. Man is a state of the tree of Good and Evil. Living soul is a state of the tree of life. Three of good and evil perfected by rebirth care and compassion, loosing of good works ultimately the greatest. The predestination of us all- the image of God in Christ the head and not the tail.
living the grace of God the ultimate way to arrange our affairs for life and life more abundantly for all.
Blessed are they who are not just hearer of the word but doers of the word. The extent to which “we do the word” constitutes the real developments on earth, breaking into the earth through any and all individuals (though too many are deprived of same.) achieved and maintain in countries and all earth.
The objectives of the word may be summarized as follows – eliminate principality, pawers and spiritual wickedness and maximize Serve all, letting all have life and have it more abundantly
Measurable developments. "It is my will that you prosper and be in good health as your soul prosper." the work of God says.
Here are the two such truths.
- 1. The knowledge of truth
God forms light and create darkness' Light over darkness making all things work to gather for good is the essence of the knowledge of truth
God forms light and create darkness. The basic elements of the bits of thoughts and the intent of the heart. It is the ying and the yang, Yang in subjection of Ying to infinity generating all good possibilities like ever more of developments in life in abundance at better rate. The opposite is anything less perfect involving yang over ying. Evil over good, destruction over creation.
The head over the tail, Light over darkness, righteousness as thought by the scriptures making all things working together for good is the proper order of things; The Christ. "I am come that you may have life and have it more abundantly. The tree of life ,
Ant there is dark over light, the essence of the dark ages since the fall of man, or a always possible and inherent possibility in all existence. which we can always choose and recognize in that it is the way that seems right to man but the end there of is destruction and death.
There is infinity of choices being and to be chosen and loose by each of us, or any collection of us on earth, with God loosing same in heaven, with a composite results(), the consequences of the "good and evil", more or less of whichever, to which we may be oblivious by pride of might and power and greed extortions and excess or the life perfected of any evil. LIke China making reform to achieve greater life and life more abundantly for all. .
Bring all things into subjection of the work of God, knowledge of truth. I thank God for the Scriptures, the truth and stories of the Holy bible and the even increasingly explosive working of the holy spirit that comes with our aligning of our lives, including processes and tenets an by laws, individually or in any grouping even the entire globe, galaxy or universe. All things work to gather for good for them who love and trust God and live according to his or her calling in Christ Jesus. Within this is the kernel of grace that is capable of being most dynamic in yiending every good understanding for the empovering of change that is the unending achieving of the greater good, from glory to greater glory to infinity on and beyound the all dementions, omnipresence to infinity.
- Born again is a good idea.
It is good to be able to claim to be a born again person in spirit, for the salvation of one's soul and the eventual , preservation of the body if this will become realisable in our lifetime by the achievement of the ultimate of our social order in our lifetime. We should do all that which is necessary and claim this by faith to overcome as we need to.
- Be not ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of truth.
In the last days man will be ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of truth. Let me say this knowledge of truth is something without which we perish and I in all my industry seem to be perishing. and I include just about all of us here in this little principality - Jamaica.
In my last 30 years I have concern myself with the state and trend of the Jamaica economy and the economies of the world.
To the extent I can state my main concerns, you would have heard my concern for all industries.
The greatest among us on the earth is he who serve all/ take this simple principle in your thought for proof in your search for truth. Surely the failure of the Jamaica economy to have had favourable balance of payments in the last thirty years has heen due to us as people being weakened and not capacitated in many respects "to serve all" or as the national anthem says play our part in advancing the welfare of the whole human race.
Surely if we were "serving all" or trending in that direction "serving all 7 billion people on earth"
that would have resulted in a extremely different picture in our foreign exchange earnings, Our GDP per person, might have been a hundred times what it is currently-under US$5,000 compared to US$50,000 for the average Jamaican who live in the US. What has been our short comings. Greed and impatient or anxiety in our investment practices as encourages by our governments in the last thirty years. and evidence in "Monetary policy of Mopping up excess liquidity, a abomination that continue to be practice by the government for the benefit of who I think areto be described as the thief. The thief is come to kill, steal and destroy. That has been the extreme flavour of the continued news of our economy for the last 30 year. Their achievement was their objective.
The build up of the national debt represents the great achievement of the thief that continue and to bind all industries in Jamaica from their true part one that is characterised true prosperity and wealth. High sustained her capita income and wealth ( the invested or not consume portion of it that should be reflected in a different landscape that reflect a trend of growth and wealth, not the stagnation that we saw when we look at the few high rise buildings of kingston or the whole set of relics and new container rubbish slum buildings across Jamaica. I rather watch the Japanese, Chinese and American anime depiction of their current and emerging roads, buildings, living and commercial infrastructure and systems..
The missing similar infrastructures here in Jamaica is evidence of the problems of accepted greed and anxiety, the condemning craves of the thieves of the Jamaican economy, the politician and ruling class of Jamaica.
Usury is an abomination of desolation. That is all we have experiences for the last thirty years- the crafting of Omar Davies, P.J Patterson and Portia Simpson and Peter Phillips, and Audley Shaw, Bruce Golding and Holness and all the other cursed promoters of usury.
The professionals of accounting professionals and all other people
need to show care and not just be lost in need for attention to details in a situation where it is increasingly difficult with the reasonable cost involve, the pressure to death of the values of the code of ethics and rule of conducts involve. It is critical for us to correct this squeezing and correct the causing abomination of desolation being loosed and achieved by our politicians and those who exist by the extortion they facilitated over the last thirty years.
Attaining a Glorified earth, highest "per capita supply" by the economies of scales and synergies achievable in serving all is the true motive to be promoted an this and all economies.
The greatest... who serve all. are being hijacked from coming into being, forced into a defiled state, by say existing from a share in the spoils of usury.
In any ten year period the highest per capita income is a function of lower interest rate. Imagine it in a graph. Usury is illegal in a pro- prosperity economic order. The profit motive alone is pitiful,especially where profit is taken by contract where no profit is made or made profit is not adequate for achieving a glorified and prospering landscape and social order.
Of Greater good is capitalising growth to full global proportions from retained earnings and patient interest free funding by equity preferably handled by stock exchange.
The highest per capita is at 0% for usury with low service fee paid and is profitable by economies of scale for those who facilitate 0% usury lending in this environment. Only this will allow us to have a comparable fundamentals to the first world economies who have lead the way in innovations and distributing same increasingly to the rest of the globe. (coming closer to serving all - the order of great prosperity in the eternal future.
Producing what we eat is the utterance of the abominables at the root of the failures of all my and industries.
And it easier to fix this and become a first work economy in the next five years than to continue for the next five year like we have being performing over the last 30 tears.
Jamaica has not been a good place to live, work and raise families.
We can correct this easily by not being the thiefs perpetuating the killing, stealing and destruction the abominations of desolution.
What are you?
A Born Again, promoting government practices according yo grace, enabling all to serve all for a glorified church, involving all..
And if you support this evolving work of MAJESTY SHOCK TRAIL INc, please join in breaking the Word asunder to agree and let us all serve the Lord with all our hearts.
Let us with the policies and cultures we support and so loose on the earth bring him "no principalities on the earth," Goodness and Light. It is the obedience to infinity in all our ways that matters.
I seek your support
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