Dear Naysayers, Please step aside.
No you can't...
No you won't...
No it won't work...
Don't you think that if you just...
It's difficult to..
No one has...
Won't it just be better if...
No. No. No.
At one point in our life, we are bound to meet these naysayers. The colleagues, the acquaintances, the frenemies, and even our close friends and family. That will just keep saying "Nay Nay"!
As I come close to 10 years in business I can't help but think: "Thank you naysayers" as I say to you "Nay Nay! YES I CAN AND YES I DID AND YES I WILL!"
So how exactly do we stop these people from raining on our very own personal parade?
Here's a 13 Step Program:
Know Your Goals- There's an expression if you fail to plan you plan to fail. You don't have to plan every little bit as you have to be open and ready for loopholes but you need to know what you want to do and how you plan on getting there. Even if it's in your head, it has to be somewhere.
Take The Toxins On Not In- We can't avoid the naysayers just like we can't avoid alcohol and sugar. It's all around us but instead of consuming it, deconstruct it. You CAN do it!
Let Them Be Heard, Converse But Don't Argue- These people are going to talk. They love to hear their own voices and they love to talk to others. So be sure they know you hear them, talk to them not at them.
Do Not Take Into Consideration Who Is Putting You Down- Your own parents may knock what you are doing but that's okay. They want to see you do and be the best person you can be. Show them your plan but move on. Some people's minds you just won't change until you prove yourself/
What Are They Really Saying? If it doesn't apply let it fly- Again listen to their words. There maybe something there that makes sense, that you can use in a positive light if not, ignore and move on, as you were....
End Of Discussion- With them and in your head. Don't let them get to you as they will. Just be the best you you can possibly be. Put in the hours and the hard work you need to in order to succeed. Success won't happen over night just like everyone's vision of success is different.
Don't Accept Money From Them- You may be hard on cash but if the naysayers are offering you money, do not accept it. It will come back to bite you when they say "Told you so" and it doesn't work out....If you tried remember, you didn't fail, you had a tremendous learning experience.
Ignore The White Noise-You aren't a baby anymore you don't need white noise to keep you going or put you to sleep.
Say Nay Nay to the Naysayers- At one point you have to walk away. You can't listen all day and night to negativity it will burn you out. So for your own sanity walk away.
On A Need To Know Basis- Only give out as much information as they need to make you look good. They don't need to know you didn't get the deal or the client today but you know what you did do??? You know...tell that :)
Create A Success Network- People hang out with like people. There are many people starting and owning new and successful businesses. Connect with them, stay in touch with them, go for lunch with them and hang out with those people. They are the positive support you need to build your forest.
Remember You, Remember Your Vision Company- You started this for a reason. Remember that reason, may it be because the product or company didn't exist or because you thought you can do it better. Remind yourself of that. If of course you are losing all your money, you do need to know when to step away. It is unfair to have everyone experience personal bankruptcy because of your dream. This is your dream, not theirs.
Keep Working, Respect Your Work And Believe In It, Believe In You!! They say "If at first you don't succeed try and try again." This is true...unless as stated above everyone is in distress because of it, then you need to know when to step away but if you are just starting and you see your vision and it does make sense, believe in it and believe in you!! It's the only way to push forward.
"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain.. and most fools do." -- Dale Carnegie
And just to add, because I like this quote:
“New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.”
― John Locke
10yA woman I know recently received a layoff notice. She said it was an opportunity to go do something totally different and that she was at a point in her life where she could take risks! My response - GO FOR IT!
Human-Centered Reliability Consultant, MLET, DOR, CERT VS - EQAC, SEI, SEI YV, SEI 360, Design Thinking For Innovation
10yGood Advise!