2017 - Replace Resolutions with a Word and a Jar !
Tired of New Year resolutions that don’t work?
Here are two useful and exciting alternatives:
Alternative 1: Word of the Year
Instead of resolving to work on one specific aspect of yourself or your life, it might be helpful and even a bit more productive to choose one word that sums up how you want to feel in 2017. Perhaps there's a single word that sums up everything you want to better about yourself, like "thoughtful" or "peaceful" or "helpful." It's nice to think that you would carry this word with you throughout the year and apply it to all your endeavors.
Try ‘WORD of the year’ instead of the age old new year resolution
What’s your word of the year for 2017?
My word is ‘joyful’ what’s yours?
Alternative 2: Make a Jar of Happy Memories for 2017 and open it on Dec 31st .
Keep an attractive glass Jar at a prominent location at home along with some colored paper.
Every few days, jot down something that made your family laugh or smile. On New Year’s Eve, empty out the jar, unfolding each paper and read them one by one.
We Just made our Jar ...
All the best for a Super Joyous 2017 ! Wish you a happy now ...every now...
Founder Fulki | Branding & Communication | Gamified Learning | Vice President Delhi Management Association & Chairperson Marketing I NHRDN Design Partner I
7yLovely refreshing ideas Rohit...got me thinking!!
Co-Founder at Senior Living Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
7ymy word is forgiveness
HR Leader, APAC Region | Focus on People & Culture | NLP Coach | People & Performance | Change Management and Transformational Leadership |
7ymy word : thoughtful
HR Leader, APAC Region | Focus on People & Culture | NLP Coach | People & Performance | Change Management and Transformational Leadership |
7ybeautiful !!
Executive Coach. Mentor. Assessor MCC and Coach Supervisor.
7yMy word focussed ...