2021 Superbowl Ads Review
Hello everyone - here I am again with my Superbowl ads' review. This year, I'm focusing on whether the key message seems to be a campaign or an expression of brand-positioning --- or even, in fact, Brand Positioning in and of itself.
BRAND POSITIONING, inside an advertising message
M&M: Positioning a bag of M&Ms as a thank-you note; I like it.
DEXCOM: We are best in class in what we do; that's all we have to say. Clear, direct, easy. Nice, in its spin-less directness.
WEATHER TECH: Same directness here: just a great company, and great to work for, with a very heavy Made in America undertone.
INDEED: "We help (...blank...) get jobs --- and filling in the blank. Not a new idea of course, but one that keeps working for me; and well done emotionally too.
TURBOTAX: The angle is about the different & strange tax rules by geo location. Interesting to learn, and relevant message. Nice.
MICHELOB LIGHT: "Are you happy because you win, or do you win because you are happy". Now that's an existential question, isn't it. I like it, and I don't even drink beer.
SQUARESPACE: There's a different life after 5pm -- after your daily job you are a different person and ... a new website as a new take on your life. I like it.
SAM ADAMS: Your cousin from Boston, pulling pin and freeing Clydesdales-like horses. I LOVED IT.
JIMMY JOHN'S: Nice. Do they want to be the new (but better) Subway?
ANHEUSER BUSCH: "'Grab a beer' is never about beer" -- means a lot of things, "means 'we need each other'", simple human truth. LOVE it, well said, and well narrated / visualized. And great, real, meaningful message. Now ... use it as an underlying theme across ALL your beer brands! That's what the Accomplished Brand Strategist in me says.
The Whatevers
LOGITECH: "defy logic of the past to define the future" -- come again? kinda tortured 'enabling' position.
DORITOS 3D: Matthew Mcconaughey as flat Matthew then regaining his 3Dself once starting to eat Doritos 3D. Whatever.
GM EV cars: Excruciatingly long and awkward story with Will Ferrell and Norway and whatever. Made no sense to me.
PRINGLES: Splash-down astronauts not being picked up 'cause everyone's busy eating chips. Really?
BUD LIGHT 1: Truck accident spread six-packs around. Whatever.
BUD LIGHT 2: Lemonade-flavored seltzer -- all within a spot that speaks of "it's been a lemon of a year". Cheap humor, yeah-yeah concept association. Lazy messaging this one.
OATLY: The CEO is singing. Whatever.
SCIENTOLOGY: Ad for Scientology TV --- what! they have the kind of money for a Superbowl ad???
ROCKET MORTGAGE: "Pretty Sure' is not good enough. I get it in a second, and the other 29 seconds ... stop hammering the point.
MODELO: The lack of proper tools means .... not doing a job right. yes. Tell me again what's got to do with beer? I know I know, certain settings require the right type of beer.
Interesting, for different reasons - good and bad:
STATE FARM: The stand-ins vs the originals - interesting idea, mildly entertaining too. But ... so ... buy State Farm and not an imitator? Please give me back the late-night-khakiwearing phone call - please? you can spin it with the no-imitator message if you want.
MIRACLE GROW: Whatever - but ... John Travolta (and his daughter) dancing ... I'll take it every day.
HUGGIES: This is the first time I see a diaper brand talking to kids. Different slant, for sure. But I'm not sure about any added effectiveness.
DR SQUATCH: Shower products for man, messaged in a tongue-in-cheek manly fashion. Ok I get it, not bad. Doesn't let me give any more reason to buy it though.
COINTREAU: Interesting -- the product as a proud member of the team, at restaurants. I get the angle, but ... would work great if the product was a more 'common' item in a restaurant --- this is a liquor, and not only that, but a very specific type of liquor. Clever 'positioning', but doesn't quite marry to the product in my opinion.
JEEP: Middle of the country church and Bruce Springsteen. Now, really, Jersey Bruce to the midwest just like any countrymusicdude? I take strong exception to it. But "we need the middle" is a good positive social message in these times, then reiforced by the note: the "Re-United States of America". Lots of messages in here, and all 'powerful' - they fight for attention: a church in the geo center of the country, Bruce, Re-United States. Pick one.
KLARNA: And just when you thought there was nothing new beyond payments, installments, minimum payments and extended payments, here come Four Payments (as a hook for then also all of the above), wow idea -- and VISA, Sequoia, Alibaba, and other heavyhitters invested heavily. From Sweden, the Ikea (brand-wise) of payments? The name means "lighten", "brighten". Big player - 3,000+ employees, handles ~$40 billion in online sales, 40% of all e-commerce sales in Sweden went through, and rapidly expanding. But .. I hate the name, leave bizarre names to IKEA.
All in all, some ideas are great and should be institutionalized by the brand's owners, beyond being a commercial. It's ... how should I say ... Stumbled Upon Positioning. Others are simply advertising ideas, with no depth and simply aiming at short term memorability - doing nothing to build the brand.
Honestly, nothing new, strategically, then last year - or the year before, or the year before that, etc.
Til' next year. And another Brady win, I guess?
Principal at Gallant | Editor, B2B Business Culture & Brand Strategist Strengths Coach
3yLove this!
Former Director - NYS Office of the Taxpayer Rights Advocate
3yThe image in the middle is the Super Bowl trophy not an “I”
Brand counsel, advice, and answers.
3y(changing the header now ...)
Owner of State Tax Audit Representation, Inc. "We resolve your tax audit problems"
3yWhy does these roman numerals indicate that this was Sup Bowl 54? It was LV 55.