The 2020s: 1914 Aug, 1939 Sept, 1962 Oct or 1969 (July or Oct)? Our Pale Blue Dot

The 2020s: 1914 Aug, 1939 Sept, 1962 Oct or 1969 (July or Oct)? Our Pale Blue Dot

"Does Earth host intelligent life? ... Legitimate technological intelligence as a significant planetary phenomenon must be able to sustain itself for some nonnegligible length of time. ... If "intelligent life" is stupid enough to ensure its own rapid destruction, then perhaps it should be called something else." David Grinspoon, Earth in Human Hands: Shaping Our Planet's Future 

"Of course, people are going to complain it'll destroy the world and all, but it'll happen anyway because when has the risk of destroying the world ever stopped us from doing anything if there was money to make with it? ...

And if we're dumb enough to cause our own extinction this way, then I guess that's what we deserve. Meanwhile, enjoy the ride." -Sabine Hossenfelder

I believe chatbots understand part of what they say. Let me explain.  -Sabine Hossenfelder

Will 2020s be more like 1914 Aug, 1939 Sept, 1962 Oct or 1969 (July or Oct)?

We live in uncertain times of opportunity and risk. Lets us work together for a world of new beginnings like in 1969, when we went to the stars and created the beginnings of a network of opportunities that created so much prosperity for humanity. The alternative is to enter into an avoidable war like 1914 or need to fight against evil like in 1939. Humanity was one decision away from WWIII in 1962 - the end of civilization, the death of billions.  May we make wise choices in 2020s.

1969: The Year of Two Small Steps for Man; Two Giant Leaps for Mankind

  • One Successful Landing July 20th 1969
  • One Initial Crash 1st Internet Connection Oct 29, 1969

“The twenty-first century is going to be a race. In one lane is some sort of Singularity; in the other, Nightfall. One will win and one will lose. There will be no silver medal. Either we will soon (perhaps before 2050) begin a transformation even more profound than the industrial revolution, which may make most of our current problems irrelevant, or we will stagger into a collapse like no other.” Dr. Ian Morris

There is more risk of a major war since the 1980s. Humanity has always had wars and rumors of wars as highlighted by this video:

Every Ongoing War Explained: All 56 Global Conflicts and 113,523 Annual Deaths Explained - TLDR News

Will a minor war become a major war that kills hundreds of thousands or millions or even billions in 2020s?

  • Israel - Iran 
  • Russia - Ukraine 
  • China - Taiwan
  • North Korea

See this blog: War or Peace - One War at a Time 

“My first wish is to see this plague of mankind, war, banished from the earth." - George Washington

This post is to consider various future scenarios - possible end games - and how we as a society can achieve peace through education and prosperity. Instead of how the Roman’s did it - "They make a desert and call it peace" Tacitus

Having grown up under threat of MAD, I am thankful that our world has stepped back a little from this insanity. Lest you forget how close we came to world destruction, I would encourage you to read:

20 Mishaps That Might Have Started Accidental Nuclear War by Alan F. Philips, M.D.

"It is hard to understand those— like Chairman Mao— who can contemplate nuclear war with anything approaching equanimity.  

“Let us speculate,” he said to the Communist world’s leaders in 1957. If war broke out, how many people would die? There are 2.7 billion people in the entire world… If the worst comes to the worst, perhaps one-half would die. But there would still be one-half left; imperialism would be razed to the ground and the whole world would become socialist. After a number of years, the world’s population would once again reach 2.7 billion and certainly become even bigger.” - Mao

Fortunately for us all, the men who actually made the decisions in the Soviet Union and United States in the 1950s realized that the only way to handle nuclear weapons was through Mutual Assured Destruction, a no-middle-ground doctrine where one false move would mean annihilation all around. … For thirty years, brinksmanship and blunders produced an agonizing sequence of glimpses of the outer darkness, but the worst never came to the worst. Since 1986 the number of warheads in the world has fallen by two-thirds, with further big reductions agreed upon in 2010. The thousands of weapons that the Americans and Russians still have could kill everyone on earth with megatons to spare, but Nightfall now seems far less likely than it did during the forty years of Mutual Assured Destruction. Biology, sociology, and geography continue to weave their webs; history goes on.” Ian Morris - Why the West Rules--for Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future 

May the 2020s be the decade when history goes on to a brighter future for all of humanity.

“Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot” Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot

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