The 2024 Scorpio Full Moon - Transforming Selves, Transforming World
The 2024 Scorpio Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 4:49p PDT on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 at 4’18’ Scorpio, opposite the Taurus Sun. You’ve probably been hearing the word “transformation” quite a bit in the last couple days leading up to this Scorpio Full Moon, and you’ll be hearing it a lot over these next few days, and probably even longer than that. This Full Moon is happening at a very dynamic moment astrologically and numerologically. That said, it’s important to discuss what transformation actually is when we are exploring Scorpio’s energy.
Transformation is the death of one way of being in order to create conditions for a new way of being to emerge. The best way to understand this is through the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly. The caterpillar uses its silk to create a chrysalis around itself. Once that’s formed, the caterpillar dissolves into a goo of cells. Somehow, that goo knows how to form a winged torso that at some point grows too big to be contained within the chrysalis. That’s when the newly-formed winged being eventually bursts out the chrysalis, and flies free in its new form.
That is what’s happening right now in the world, and for many of us in our individual or personal lives. We are experiencing transformation, and what we’re realizing is that it isn’t an easy process in any way. It takes a lot of work to form that protective chrysalis, and it’s terrifying to dissolve into goo because then we have to trust that we’ll become something on the other side of this process. And after all that’s done, we then must find the courage to spread our wings and fly.
Despite the reference to flight, the sign of Scorpio brings forth different conditions which require courage to explore. Scorpio represents fixed water energy, which I often associate with the saying “Still waters run deep”. This energy encourages us to dive deep into our emotional and intuitive depths, and often into the emotional and/or spiritual darkness within ourselves. This is a very uncomfortable process for many, but especially for Taurus, which represents fixed earth energy, frequently associated with stubborn attachment to its creature comforts. Taurus does not like to be moved nor does it adapt well to change, but earth can be gradually eroded by water over time, and now, after quite some time, Taurus is finding that its status quo can no longer keep the secrets of its depths at bay.
The Scorpio Full Moon reflects the Taurus Sun’s light back to it through its reflection from the dark water. The thing is… the Sun’s light also reveals our emotional manipulations beneath the surface of efforts to sustain the eroding status quo. Many of us are finding that we can no longer avoid the discomfort of our difficult truths being exposed and brought to the surface, making this an extremely uncomfortable time for many of us, especially those of us who are resistant to if not in willful denial of the metamorphosis underway within us and in our communities and world around us.
On an even more personal level, this will be a time of having to acknowledge the dark emotions that you might usually try to avoid feeling. Whether these are feelings of insecurity, pessimism, sadness, anger, fear, shame, guilt, and/or grief, they may be emotions you rarely if ever allow to surface. This can be a difficult time for you as you come to terms with the fact that you may be going through your own “goo” stage – that you’re feeling vulnerable on a number of different levels due to the massive shifts that may be occurring in and around your life now. Some of you may also recognize that you’re feeling held back by your current conditions – a sign that you may be ready to break out of your chrysalis to fly into a new chapter of your life’s journey.
This 2024 Scorpio Full Moon also happens in the wake of a major astrological event only three days prior – the 2024 Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus (21°49’) that occurred on the 20th/21st April. You can read more about that here, but I mention it because it, too, is a catalyst for massive shifts in human consciousness and evolution. Even though this big event happens a few days before this Full Moon, it’s still very much in effect when this Scorpio Full Moon reaches its maximum phase.
It should also be noted that Pluto – the ruling planet of Scorpio – is currently in the sign of Aquarius, which is ruled by the afore-mentioned Uranus, and this plays a significant role in social and global transformation as result of the collaboration between emerging technologies and evolving human consciousness. There’s more on this detail in a different article – one about the generational influences on events currently in progress.
Meanwhile, let’s address the powerful numerology of this lunar phase. The 2024 Scorpio Full Moon is reaching its maximum phase on an 8 Universal Day of power, influence, control, and cycle continuity in western Africa, southwestern Europe, the United Kingdom, and all points west of them (23+4+2024 = 2051; 2+0+5+1 = 8), and it occurs on a 9 Universal Day of completions, fulfillments, and endings in the rest of the world (24+4+2024 = 2052; 2+0+5+2 = 9). For most of the world, this numerology indicates a powerful desire to take action to “get it done”. Exactly what “it” is depends on who and where you are in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East; while in the west, this numerological energy indicates there’s still a willingness if not a determination and commitment to exert one’s power and influence on others.
The influence of global transformation is definitely coming from the west during this 2024 Scorpio Full Moon, as the 8 Universal Day energy of the western regions matches the world’s 8 Universal Year energy (2+0+2+4 = 8), revealing just how much the current events in the west are influencing and affecting the balance of power globally. It also reflects how the events in the western world are a bit of history repeating – we’ve seen this cycle of death-to-rebirth in many societies before.
What’s even more fascinating is that the 3 Universal Month energy (4+2024 = 2028; 2+0+2+8 = 12; 1+2 = 3) reveals the inevitable growth and expansion of the energies coming from the west at this time, as 3 energy is about learning, growth, and expansion. The more the world learns about what’s happening in the west, the more the world will better understand why it’s happening, and it’s likely many nations and entities will try to figure out ways to adopt that reasoning and/or resolve it to their own benefit (9 Universal Day energy).
On a personal level, you may find yourself learning from your recent power plays or power struggles with others, if you’ve been having them. You may also discover the power struggle you’ve been having with yourself – a struggle that may be rise up within you when faced with the possibility or probability of having to release long-held beliefs or ideals in order to allow the self-transformation you’ve been hoping or waiting for to occur. If you’re in the 9 Universal Day regions, you may have already recognized some of these power dynamics within or around you, and you may already be taking steps to transform them and fully reclaim your power in your life.
For more details about the energies present during this 2024 Scorpio Full Moon, here are the astrological transits within 3’ orb at the time of the Full Moon’s maximum phase:
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Scorpio Moon opposite Taurus Sun (4°18’) – Having your deepest emotions revealed or exposed may leave you feeling vulnerable and insecure, but these revelations can help you get to the bottom of those insecurities and fears so you they no longer have power over you.
square Aquarius Pluto (2-4’) – There is a major transformation of human consciousness occurring at this very moment, and it’s challenging each and all of us to consider what we are (individually) contributing to the evolution of humanity.
Taurus Sun trine Virgo Juno (4-6’) – It’s easy to get stuck and make yourself believe you’re comfortable in an uncomfortable situation, but you have an incredible opportunity to make changes to your circumstances in ways which improve the functionality of your everyday life and make things more comfortable for you… but you have to be willing to let go of the status quo first.
Scorpio Moon sextile Virgo Juno (4-6’) – A commitment to making life functionally and healthy makes it easier to dive deeply into
Aries North Node conjunct Mercury Retrograde (15-16’) – Your ability to receive and apply the feedback you’ve been given in response to your actions will play a critical role in determining the course of your future.
GRAND TRINE: Capricorn Ceres trine (Taurus Uranus conjunct Jupiter conjunct White Moon Selena) trine Virgo Black Moon Lilith (20-22’) – Societal values are being brought to the collective attention as it becomes clear that some people are operating from ego-driven agendas and what works for themselves while others are operating from the desire to make sure they and everyone else has what they all need. This is a powerful time for individual and collective values to experience unexpected upgrades.
Pisces Neptune sextile Taurus Sedna (28-29’) – There’s a strong idealization of self-sacrifice here, and its easy to allow your ideals lead you into a belief in your victimization… but you can choose to use the power you have from your (perceived or real) position of disadvantage.
Pisces Mars sextile (Taurus Uranus conjunct Jupiter conjunct White Moon Selena) (22-24’) – Idealistic actions support your desire to make sure everyone has the resources they need to live comfortably, with everyone including yourself. If you have the belief that there’s plenty for everyone, it’ll show in your actions.
The energy of this 2024 Scorpio Full Moon will be felt from Saturday 20th April through Friday 26th April 2024. Emotions will be running deep with an intensity and brilliance that only something coming to life from ashes and darkness could do; and though we’ve seen power wielded in similar ways before, there will likely be events happening in ways and at scales which many of us have never seen before during and/or coming out of this incredibly important and transformative time.
The caterpillar has entered its chrysalis. The metamorphosis is under way, and one thing is for certain: The world is transforming, and it will never be the same again.
Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…
~ Love, and Blessings,