2 opportunities for meaning and personal growth... and startup growth
Dear Friends, two great opportunities for personal and business growth:
• SPRINT! We're having another startup sprint coming up July 28-30, both accepting general early-stage / idea-stage startups, and also having a focus on Fintech. Our Bootcamp startups have raised over $1.2m in the last two years, won many local/regional/global competitions, and gotten accepted into top accelerators in Lebanon and abroad. We can help you as well. Apply at http://info.altcity.me/bootcamp-program
• MEDITATION: Meditation is a powerful tool for relaxation, focusing, growth, and healing. There's a free 21-day meditation program on now via Oprah and Deepak Chopra, this one specifically focused on "desire and destiny" ... for some people that can be quite related to finding meaning in life, in work, and in personal endeavors, and this could be quite connected to entrepreneurial pursuits. The content is only available for 5 days, so if you start today (or tomorrow) you can still start from Day 1 content (it's Day 4 today!).