3 Thinking Errors That Can Derail Your Success
Have you ever wondered why we tend to overdramatise certain events or jump into conclusions about people without any reason or logic what so ever? This is due to thinking errors.
Thinking errors are faulty patterns of thinking and seeing things that are self-defeating. They occur when the things you are thinking, or rather what you are telling yourself about a situation, do not match up with reality. That's why they are also called cognitive distortions.
We all have it, however some people are just better at recognising unhelpful thinking patterns and challenging it.
We view things through a prism of our own insecurities, fears, bias, previous past experiences, culture, upbringing - you name it - that's why sometimes it's so hard to separate facts from our faulty or distorted assumptions
Being a qualified cognitive behavioural coach, I focus a lot on the my clients’ mindset in 1:1 coaching sessions trying to create a positive shift.
Here are 3 most common thinking errors I see in practice that can really derail your relationships with others, block your success, undermine your performance and overall affect your quality of life negatively:
1. All or nothing thinking - you are constantly thinking of things in extreme terms, such as “always” and “never”. If you do something in a way that is less than perfect, you automatically conclude that you are a failure.
Possible solution - try to see relative shades of grey on any situation instead of viewing it black and white. Ask yourself if it;s really that bad or perhaps you are blowing it out of proportion?
2. Mental filter - this occurs when you focus on the negative aspects of a situation and disregard the positives. You might be presented with a number of facts supporting a positive outcome, but you dwell only on the negative parts, even if there aren’t very many, and inflate their importance.
Possible solution - focus on concrete facts and look for positives in any situation.
3. Mind reading (this is the most damaging one to relationships) - when you think you know a person’s intentions or thoughts, you are engaging in a thinking error known as mind reading. You assume people are focusing on your flaws and believe that someone is reacting negatively to you, dislike you, want to upset/hurt you on purpose, even though their response might have nothing to do with you at all.
Possible solution - look for facts to debunk your assumptions about others and ask yourself how do you know if this is true. Separate your ego from your self-worth and need for approval or being liked by others.
Don’t deduct INTENTIONS of other people based on your own FEARS!
MIND READING 🧠 is the most damaging cognitive distortion to your personal and professional relationships I’ve ever seen.
We are very egocentric by nature and evolutionary are wired to look for threats. We all have our own personal bias, insecurities, prejudice, fears and worries etc, and because of that sometimes it’s extremely hard for us to separate reality from our own faulty projections and perceptions.
Here're some powerful tips on how to challenge any thinking errors or faulty assumptions:
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So next time you want to assume the worst and jump into conclusions, pause and think whether it’s actually what is happening or if it’s your ego or insecurities talking in you.
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Are you ready to take the next step and create a mindset shift for success, prosperity and ultimate confidence? Let's chat on zoom and explore how you can benefit from 1:1 coaching. Book a free 30 mins discovery call now.
To your success,
Anastasia Banks
Executive Presence Coach & Founder of Power Up School
1:1 C-Level Coaching // Corporate Workshops
WA // +447852474343
IG // @anastasiabanks.coach
Subconscious Wizard Of High Achievers | Hacking Minds For Peak Performance & Impact | Hypno Coach | Executive Presence Coach + CBT Hypnotherapist | 1:1 coaching + corporate workshops
3yHave you ever noticed these thinking errors in yourself?