3 Ways We Hold Back Female Entrepreneurs
Earlier this year I chaired a panel about female entrepreneurship at IE University's LegalTech event in London. The discrepancies in venture capital funding to female entrepreneurs are well known, but society also tends to view men as more creative and innovative than women, even when the reality is quite the opposite. Indeed, this bias tends to emerge by the time children are three years of age.
Starting a business is hard enough, with estimates of around 90% of startups failing at some point, but for female entrepreneurs, matters are even harder still. The following are three unique challenges they are forced to overcome by societal biases.
The network bias
Tapping into one's network for human capital is vital for any aspiring entrepreneur, and so the ability to develop and cultivate that network is crucially important. Developing those connections is often difficult however, not least for women operating in traditionally male fields.
Recent research from Columbia University highlights how crucial gender is in the kind of networking entrepreneurs must engage in. The study analyzes the networks of a bunch of entrepreneurs and comes to the rather depressing finding that decision-makers appear to prefer male contacts when they're making a third-party referral, especially in sectors that are dominated by men. This bias vanishes in fields that are either more gender-neutral or more commonly associated with women, but that is scant consolation.
The research challenges the notion that if women aren't getting value from networking, it's because they aren't doing it properly or are in bad networks. Instead, it suggests that there are fundamental biases at play that limit the potential of networking for female entrepreneurs.
“We know that gender inequities happen all the time — men and women in the same job experience differences in outcomes,” the researchers say. “So why would we think that putting women in the same networks as men would lead to equal outcomes?”
Ethical standards
Speaking of fairness, in many startup environments, entrepreneurs are flying by the seat of their pants, and so taking calculated risks is almost part of the territory. Entrepreneurial lore is full of stories of entrepreneurs flying close to, and sometimes crossing, the line of what's acceptable, but new research reminds us that such behaviors are not viewed the same way for male and female risk-takers. The study found that people were less likely to back a company after an ethical failure if that company was led by a woman.
"Our study found that consumers' trust in, and willingness to support, an organization after a failure varied based on the gender of the organization's leader and the type of incident," the researchers explain. "Women incur greater penalties for ethical transgressions because of persistent gender stereotypes that tend to categorize women as having more communal traits than men, such as being more likable, sensitive and supportive of others. Even in leadership settings, women are still expected to be more communal than their male counterparts."
The researchers believe their findings have very clear implications, both for women in salaried careers but also for entrepreneurs. Both involve taking risks and being evaluated on one's performances, but this is perhaps even more so for entrepreneurs where risk-taking is such a big part of daily life.
Putting the hours in
Another fundamental aspect of entrepreneurial life is the intensely long hours that are often required to make a startup succeed. With money and other resources often limited, time is something that entrepreneurs have to commit in order to give their business the best chance to succeed.
Societal attitudes towards making such a commitment are not equal, however, especially after people have children. For instance, research has shown that when a couple have children, the fathers tend to do well at work as their employer implicitly assumes that they will work extra hard to support their family, whereas the mothers are punished as employers assume that their priorities will be elsewhere.
This is supported by recent research showing the clear divergence of career paths for men and women after childbirth, with just over 25% of women still in full-time work or self-employment three years after childbirth, which compares to 90% of new fathers. What's more, twice as many men receive either a promotion or a superior job in the years after childbirth than women do.
“The results of our study highlight how gendered employment patterns are following childbirth, with men typically remaining in full-time work and women leaving full-time work," the researchers say. “Worryingly, it appears that women who return to employment typically see their chance of moving up the occupational ladder decrease. Women who return to the same employer risk becoming stuck in their job roles with limited career progression.”
All of which underlines the fact that society is far more accepting of men putting in the super long hours often required in a startup than we are of women, especially if children are involved.
The United Kingdom has the largest entrepreneurial gender gap in the G7, and some of the societal biases against female entrepreneurship play a role in this divide. While the government commissioned The Alison Rose Review to explore some of the challenges female entrepreneurs face, and has pursued various policies to develop support networks of female entrepreneurs, and to make access to finance easier, it's clear that there is still a long way to go before we reach entrepreneurial parity, not least because many of those who do make use of such resources drop out due to the difficulties highlighted above.
"Just 6% of women in the U.K. run their own businesses, which is a terrible waste of talent and potential," Sheila Flavell, COO of IT services company FDM, who sponsor the FDM Everywoman in Tech Awards, told me recently. "Women certainly don't lack ambition, so I have to ask the question of what are the societal barriers holding women back and what we can do to improve things."
Taking the trillion-dollar opportunity
Data from the Boston Consulting Group has previously shown that startups run by women tend to perform better than average, and the scale of the potential was underlined by a follow-up study from the group that explored what would happen to the economy if entrepreneurship rates among women were compared with those among men.
The report suggests that if rates were broadly equal, then global GDP would grow by up to 6%, which would boost the global economy by an incredible $5 trillion.
"If we could achieve parity in entrepreneurship rates between men and women, we could add £250 billion to the U.K. economy, and this is a boost that the economy can not afford to turn away," Flavell continues.
There is a tendency when we look at how to support female entrepreneurs effectively to focus on things such as capital or skills, but while these are undoubtedly crucial, the research from this article highlights the societal hurdles that are placed in the way of female entrepreneurs.
If entrepreneurship is something that societies want to encourage among both men and women, then these cultural barriers must be overcome to create the kind of level playing field entrepreneurs desperately need in order to thrive.