30 Day Turnaround
Stuff Happens
One of my favorite expressions in business and life. Are you prepared?
Most have no issues with the "good" fallout from various transactions or processes. What about the not-so-good? Or the insanely horrific? Not so much? Great!
Why is that great? Zig Ziglar taught us that people are more motivated by the fear of loss than by the promise of reward!
Allow me to share a fear that I face almost daily (you might relate):
On any given day, my Prospect Funnel (of those that have expressed an interest in learning more about one or more of my offerings) is woefully below my target number of qued-up leads. Yes. Woefully!
What are we going to do about it?
Me? You are reading part of my action plan as you read this post. My fifth of the day. Action Plan: POST 10X MORE TIMES PER DAY!
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That is actually easier than you think... the challenge? What to post.
Enter the Root Cause Analysis
Also known as the Current Reality Tree (CRT) in Goldratt-Speak. The late Dr. Eli Goldratt was a major icon in the business community across the globe. An Author, Educator, mentor, my employer for a small period of time, and one of the smartest people I have ever met.
In 2002 after much study and application, I completed my "Jonah" aka The Logical Thinking Process, and began to learn how little I knew before that life-changing event (over an intense 8-day period). In 2011 I completed further training and application of those principles and became a Jonah's Jonah, one who can instruct and certify others as a Jonah. Yes, I have spent many thousands of dollars over thirty years on becoming the best version of myself. I also paid it forward by teaching Computer Science for ten years. I could go on... But won't.
If your business is not running on all cylinders, let's talk. The first call is free.
P.S. The first 30 minutes are free:
Proven Marketing Maven: Double Your Revenue
1yKnow for a fact that you need to learn how to do a proper root cause analysis? Link to sign up NOW! https://skiman.online/products/root-cause-analysis Otherwise, Text me to schedule a time to talk.