#30 - Recruiter AMA (Pt 1)
The new Jobseeking is Hard is out now!
This issue is a “recruiter AMA,” answering your questions about recruiters/recruiting. There were *a lot* of questions submitted, so I’m breaking this into 2 parts to try and cover all of the topics.
I'm discussing:
Recommended by LinkedIn
Plus the return of Stupid Interview Questions, and a jobseeking horror story that turned into a learning experience!
Check it out at www.jobseekingishard.com
PS! I have a tiny ask- If you're enjoying the newsletter, let people know! Forward it, tweet it, post it, whatever.....the bigger the discussion, the better! The idea is to help as many people as possible. Sharing is caring, and you never know who could use the advice!
Billing Specialist
1yI’m choosing chaos and asking for this to be on Reddit.
Improvement Guru. I help organizations become better & make the world better. Lifelong Learner. Always learning about my expertise, my community, my professional partners, & our world. Let’s make our world better.
1yAMA =?
Contact Center - Customer Service Representative
1yI'm Baffled...I had an interview on 05/17/2023. Insteadof Dental Ins., the position was still in the healthcare field. Prior to the "Official" interview, the recruiter and I had a mock interview. Two hours later, I had the real interview and I felt awesome about my performance. After two days, I called my recruiter and inquired about the position. I did not get the position. The feedback was that I interviewed well. Yet, they decided to move on because I appeared shy and quiet...WHAT?! It's a Call Center Contact Benefits position....I had served in the USAF for 13 yrs as an Aircrew Flight and Ground Scheduler....Deployed to Desert Storm and held numerous managerial positions outside of the military. My demenor is pretty much set. I'm 60 yrs old and still have that military bearing. I'm not calling clients to upsale a product...I didn't see a reason in being that annoying overly aggressive person at dinner time. Whew...I feel better now.... 😂 As of today, I have secured employment at another company.
Experienced stat programmer | UNC Biostatistics
1yYou answered mine 💓💓💓