4 Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Author Platform

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Author Platform

If you are writing a book or even thinking about writing a book - you should already be thinking about content.

So I brought in International Content Expert, Sara Burke, Founder of HLCC, to talk about the biggest mistakes authors should avoid when it comes to content and platform building.

#1: Stop Waiting

Coming in at number one is the timing of author platform building. Your audience building begins the day you write that introduction.

So many authors wait until they've finished their book to start building their audience and their content  - what we like to call an Author Platform. And what will you do with a book when you've got no one to sell it to? It’s not like one is the horse and the other is the cart - your book and your author platform should be approached as one in the same.

# 2: Prioritize the Right Things

The things we often do not prioritize are the things that ultimately make us successful and help us sell books and establish our authority. Yet the content and the platform and network building always seem to fall into the, “I don’t have time” category. Not having time can’t be a reason not to do it because you are going to be constantly spinning your wheels.

“If content is the thing that always stays on your To Do list but never gets done, delegate it out. There are experts, just like myself, who deal with content every single day and can easily knock out that To Do list while you focus on relationship building and book work.” -Sara Burke,

To add to that point, it does not have to be the whole piece you delegate out. If you create social media posts but you aren’t sure how to create graphics to go along with your quotes and caption, bring someone in for that piece of the work. Do not just let things sit while sacrificing your potential as an author.

#3: Get As Clear As You Possibly Can

When we’re talking about social media and content - things can get heavy into buzzword territory quickly - and then I think we’re all just glossing over without attaching meaning to what we should actually be doing. Your author platform is your ability to sell books based on two things. It is who you are and who you know.

The very first step we are looking at is who you are. Who you are is your message. That is your brand. Every piece of content that you are creating has to attach to one of these two things. That is the first step. If you are not clear on your target audience, you are not going to have your messaging. If you do not have your messaging, you are never going to create effective content.

A lot of authors get stuck in that place right there. They do not know what to say so content takes a long time, and it’s also not effective. If you know who you are, you have your messaging and audience down, and then you start looking at content, 1) It becomes so much easier to create and 2) When it comes to delegation, you could easily say to someone you’re delegating to, “This is who I am. This is what I stand for. This is an idea I have.” They can run with that.

Author Breakthrough: To be a successful author - you have to get very comfortable being whoever you are every single day - without apology.

“We see so many influencers and authors and think what we create and build has to look a certain way. When it doesn’t, we think we are screwing it up. That is not the case. Get comfortable being yourself because that is the only reason people are ever going to buy from you anyway.”

#4: Keep It Simple

The biggest mistake I see authors make when it comes to content is over complicating the goal of what they're doing. It's simple. It is being online, talking to people, and having engagement and interactions that are real and authentic, while talking about what you believe in. This is the only sustainable way to get buy-in and build a loyal network and effective audience.

If that is solid, people are going to buy in, and you are going to have that. You are talking about how you are a beginner. You are not established. It is difficult to get traction. Where the focus and energy should go is in building up your network.

Author Breakthrough: You will be more comfortable in whatever you do by simply showing who you are and providing clear messaging to your audience. As a result, you can build your network through great relationships.

For more on delegating, content strategies and getting the most use out of your content, listen to the rest of this episode of Promote, Profit, Publish.

Nancy Waring, MS CPT NASM

Author, The Vibrant Sage: Arousing Energy for Health and Happiness.


Thanks for this very inspiring article! It is exactly the message I need to start to connect with my audience 🙏 😊

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