4 Ways To Burn More Fat
There is nothing quite as frustrating as seeing your results fizzle out.
This is a common place to end up, usually after a few months on the same exercise routine. In the beginning your body responds to your routine with lost pounds and gained muscle tone, then one day all results screech to a stop.
Why does this happen? And, more importantly, how can you prevent it?
Your muscles adapt quickly to any repetitive routine. Remember that the definition of 'insanity' is to do the same thing over and over while expecting different results. This holds true for your workouts.
When your results stop, it's time to do something new.
Muscle confusion is a way to keep your body guessing by changing your routine.
I have good news - the following 4 strategies are guaranteed to crank your workouts up to the next level and to deliver better results.
Strategy #1: Use a Drop Set
Drop sets are often used to fight off exercise plateaus. This technique is great for increasing muscle strength, endurance and for adding to the cardiovascular benefit of your workout - which results in more fat burn.
This is how to do a drop set: When you perform an exercise to exhaustion, don't stop there. Drop the weight by 80% and do another set.
You could take it a step further by dropping the weight twice, making it a double drop. Or drop the weight three times for a descending drop set. Use this technique only once or twice per workout, on the final set of the exercise.
Strategy #2: Focus on Negatives
Each time that you do a weight lifting repetition you are using three types of strength.
Most people completely miss the benefit of the negative in each repetition by allowing the weight to drop quickly with little control. It is understood that the negative portion of each repetition is just as important as the positive portion, possibly more important.
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Focus on the negative portion of each repetition by lowering the weight very slowly. Concentrate on the negative contraction, and make each repetition count.
If you are advanced, then use a training partner to assist you in moving heavier-than-normal weight into a contracted position, then lower it very slowly.
Another way to utilize negative repetitions on a machine is to lift the weight using two limbs but then lower it with just one. For example, use both legs to lift the weight on a leg extension machine, but then lower it back down slowly using only one leg.
Strategy #3: Use Active Rest
Every minute of your workout is an opportunity to increase intensity and to burn more fat. Don't waste precious minutes with long rest periods.
While it is important to catch your breath if you feel winded, most of the time you would benefit more from an active rest. Do one of the following activities for 30 seconds between exercises and turn your regular workout into High Intensity Interval Training.
Strategy #4: Modify the Exercise There are certain exercises that are considered 'staples' in the gym.
The squat. The lunge. The chest press. The shoulder press. The bicep curl. You get the idea...
While you shouldn't throw these exercises out the window, find creative ways to modify the familiar motion in order to challenge your muscles. Try these exercise modifications:
If you'd like a sure-fire way to break through your fitness plateau and to melt away unwanted fat, then contact me for a fitness consultation.
Call or email today - I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours In Health,