5 Mistakes Trainers & Coaches make !
There are over 6,280,000 results for "Coaches" in a worldwide LinkedIn search (April 2020). There are more and more people attracted to the learning industry every day, due to the love and passion for it. In this growing industry, we need to create a unique position for ourselves and ensure that we stand out from the herd.
The most effective way to ensure you become a winner and a leader is to take note of common mistakes, take cognisance and ensure we avoid them. As a coach or trainer, you have the ability to make a huge impact on your clients' lives. You can help them build their confidence, improve their communication skills and make the right choices in life. The problem is that many coaches and trainers fail at this because they don't know what they should be doing or how they should do it. In this article we will look at five mistakes that many people make when starting out as an aspiring coach so that when you find yourself in their shoes: you'll be prepared!
Mistake 1 - Not choosing a niche
Many people think that choosing a niche means you're limiting yourself to just one type of business or industry. However, this is not the case at all! You can choose multiple niches and still be successful in any one of them if you do it correctly. The key is choosing the right kind of niche for your skill set, experience level, goals and interests.
For example: If I want to become an author then my first step would be looking at all the different types of books out there (fiction vs non-fiction). I would then identify which type(s) would best suit my skillset - maybe fiction novels would work well with what we've learned so far on this blog (as we're passionate about writing articles), but maybe non-fiction books would be better suited because they require less research? Or maybe both types could work together well? It really depends on how much research I want to do as well as whether there's enough demand within my target audience for these products - so many variables need consideration when determining whether one genre fits best within yours...
Mistake 2 - Not creating an avatar of their ideal client
Mistake 3 - Not focusing on the implementation of their plan(s)
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Mistake 4 - Not focusing on their own personal and business development
The fourth mistake is not focusing on their own personal and business development.
If you want to be a great coach or trainer, it’s important that you focus on being the best version of yourself and developing your skills as much as possible. You can do this by:
Mistake 5 - Not asking for help
Ask for people who are experts in your field, who have experience in it and who can help you grow as a coach or trainer. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance from them! You need an accountability partner, a peer or a mentor who can be beside you help you stay committed towards achieving your goal.
You can't do it alone. In the same way that you need to ask for help when you need it, you also have to be willing to invest in yourself and your wellbeing. If your coach or trainer isn't willing to invest in their own training, they won't be as effective as they could be at helping others.
We have come a long way in the last few years, but there are still many people out there who don’t understand what they need to do to become successful. The most important thing is to keep learning and growing as time goes on so that you can always be on top of your game!
TLC is a implementation focussed mastermind community focussed on helping coaches and trainers to take their business to the next level and grow. If you wish to avoid the mistakes, tap into collaborative intelligence of like minded mastermind coaches and trainers join us. We help you master your coaching skills, business skills and technology and help you build a business model that will not help you accelerate your growth but also build a unique brand. To know more check out our website www.teachersareleaders.org