5 Myths about Growth Mindset That Are Sabotaging Your Success
Dispel the myth,
"Praising things can develop a growth mindset."
It is not true. To develop a growth mindset, you must praise qualities along with failures, obstacles, and challenges.
The growth mindset is a continuous belief that helps you to improve your intelligence and abilities with effort, practice, and persistence. This idea helps many people to excel in their careers and achieve success in other areas of life. Still, some common myths about a growth mindset are holding you back from reaching your full potential and accomplishing your goals.
In this edition, I will share 5 myths about a growth mindset that might sabotage your success and how you can overcome them to become the person you want to be.
5 Myths related to Growth Mindset
Myth 1: It must be innate
The belief that you have to be born with a certain skill set to succeed is one of the biggest myths about a growth mindset. This simply isn't true! With the right mindset, anyone can master any skill they desire. Inherited skill is not always making someone a leader; oftentimes, the individual discovers the skill and becomes proficient.
Myth 2: A growth mindset is a binary concept
A growth mindset is not an all-or-nothing proposition. In some areas of your life, you can have a growth mindset, while in others, you can have a fixed mindset. What matters is that you're aware of the power of mindset and are open to learning and growing.
I have a growth mindset in developing and executing business and public speaking skills if I talk about myself. I do not have this mindset when it comes to learning weaving, as it is not mandatory and is not affecting my growth. I'm happy that I know how to weave as per my need. 😊
Myth 3: You can't change intelligence
Another myth about a growth mindset says intelligence can't be changed. There is no truth to this! Research has shown that intelligence is not fixed but can increase with effort and practice. You can learn and grow even if you feel stuck in a rut.
It is easy to increase your intelligence through practice in creative problem-solving. Human intelligence brought Artificial Intelligence, so do not fear machines will replace human creativity and intelligence.
Myth 4: It's hard to overcome emotions
Another myth about a growth mindset is that emotions get in the way of success. Clearly, this is not the case. In fact, it's been shown that managing emotions is key to success in any domain.
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Check out the latest book, emotional success, written by David Desteno. The author says that gratitude, compassion, and patience are the vital routes to success. So, don't say that controlling emotions are tough. You can manage your emotions and leverage them for your growth. It all depends on you how you take it.
Myth 5: A growth mindset means being positive no matter what
Being positive doesn't always work. People misunderstood that a growth mindset means positive. Yes, it is positive, but with this, it also follows other truths like expectations and reality. Like, it's not uncommon for leaders to use a growth mindset to chastise employees for having too much to do. It's counterproductive. Keeping people's cognitive capacities in mind is crucial to a growth mindset. It is impossible to have infinite resources.
Whenever people are overwhelmed, attacking their mindset is counterproductive. This isn't an attitude problem; it's that they can't break the laws of space and time.
Another simple example: If I only think positive would help me to get a master's in public speaking. No, without action, it is not possible. So, being positive is a must, but actions are also vital.
Final Thought
Knowing only the positive sides of anything is not enough.
You need to explore every aspect to understand any concept and utilize it.
It also applies to a growth mindset.
Having knowledge of the growth mindset myth will help you understand why it is not a good idea to rush behind in a crowd. You need to explore every angle like a 360-degree expert.
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comment. I would love to know any more myths!
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Your Vibrant Friend
Vibha Soni😊
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Founder at Decentralisedworld Research, transforming the future with blockchain expertise
2yWell said Vibha Soni
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2yAmazing share 💯🙌 Vibha Soni Happy weekend...
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