5 Signs You Might Be Addicted To A Man and What You Can Do About It
Back in my 40’s, I thought I loved a man who turned out to be so wrong for me.
We’d broken up at least 3 times during the two and a half years we were together.
But while apart, an intense longing for the other would occur.
It was only a matter of time before we’d come back together celebrating a harmonious honeymoon truce.
But, it wouldn’t take long for the problems that created the break up to reappear.
Finally, after two and a half years I said ENOUGH…We’re DONE!
I knew we didn’t belong together but I was not prepared for how hard it would be to let go of him.
Even though I was the one who ended the relationship, I still felt so connected because every time I thought about him, my body was releasing Oxytocin, the bonding hormone which created the physical addiction I had to this man.
It took almost a year to break this hormonal addiction!
I don’t want you to have to go through what happened to me and that’s why I want to share 5 signs that will help you identify whether or not you are addicted to a man and what you can do to break the cycle if this is happening in your life.