56% of Linkedin's top companies' list are our customers
At HackerRank, our mission is to match every developer to the right job. We’ve built a platform that matches based on developers’ skills instead of their pedigree because it shouldn’t matter where a candidate went to school or where they worked before as long as they have the skills needed to be successful in a role.
Over 1,500 customers across all industries use HackerRank to meet their hiring goals and increase the talent bar, in an unbiased way. On an average, a developer attempts a challenge/interview every ~8s. By the time you finish reading the post, we would have assessed ~25+ developers and helped them match to the right job.
We enable companies to become talent magnets. Last week, Linkedin announced the best places to work based on interest in the company, engagement with the company’s employees, job demand as well as employee retention and we are proud to note that 56% of them are our customers!
Every company is transforming into a tech company. For example Goldman Sachs' (#21 on LinkedIn’s list) is no longer a financial services company. It's a technology company in the financial services industry. The newest hires work in technical roles and the organization is even changing its key policies like dress codes in order to attract more tech talent.
Given this transformation, the high demand for developers will continue to rise. In the U.S. alone there will be a 24% increase in the number of software development jobs available by 2026, making it one of the fastest growing occupations.
As the portfolio of the companies that need developers are changing, so is the population that’s going to meet the demand. In countries like the U.K., Australia, and Japan the fundamentals of coding are now a mandatory part of school curriculums for students as young as 5 years old. In the U.S., Amazon is working to teach more than 10 million students how to code. This means that by 2026, there will be many developers without degrees but with excellent coding skills that they picked up while in school or from after-school programs and summer camps. This also means that the traditional methods we used back in the day such as resume screenings to find tech talent will not be useful.
The future is going to be tech-powered: our homes, cars, banks, and more will rely on technological advances. It’s heartening to see companies like Goldman Sachs, Dell, and Adobe plan for the future, prioritize the quality of their technical hires, and become some of the most sought after places to work!
So are you prepared for the future and ready to transform your tech hiring process? I can't guarantee a place on Linkedin's 2020 top companies to work for but we can certainly help you meet your hiring goals and raise the bar :) Let me know!
Rust Developer
5yI started my coding through HackerRank and I loved this platform. After reading this article it made me feel more confident about the time I spent on HackerRank. Though there's one request from my side, I found the earlier UI of HackerRank more engaging to me. So, I would love to see improvements to the HackerRank's UI which would look similar to the older one.
Agentic AI and Automation Specialist | Building Next-Gen Agentic AI Solutions
5yProud to be a #HackerRanker
Coaching the journey towards product and engineering excellence. Honored to be back at Yahoo leading the amazing Y! Finance technology organization.
5yNice to see that so many great places to work are our customers.
Founder and CEO of Modern GTM I Sales Professional I Do-er I Relationship Builder I Superconnector
5yProud #HackerRankAlum