6 Step Artist Development Plan: Build A Timeline + Strategy for 2023
Artist Development is the process a musician goes through to develop their craft and the skills necessary to build a professional career in the music industry. The process involves vocal training, songwriting, A&R direction, development of sound and direction, artist persona development, image and branding, music and video production, live performance development, marketing message and career planning and strategy.
Is it something you can achieve on your own? Yes. But it can take F-O-R-E-V-E-R on your own. Can you shave years off your climb? 1000%.
Each artist requires a different approach depending on their level of skill and where they are with their music. It’s quite involved but all under the umbrella of artist development. Voice, songs, artist brand, career.
As an artist developer, I create a customized artist plan for them to identify their differentiator and how to stand out in the marketplace. Then we build a plan to grow their career and build the opportunities they need to truly move forward with their career.
Knowing the best next steps and what comes in what order is KEY. There is way too much confusion online today with too many people telling artists what to do in the wrong order.
Step 1: Your Music
Be so good they can’t ignore you. You need a killer album. Stop releasing singles, it’s scattering and diluting your message. You need at minimum a 7 song EP or a 10 song LP preferred to really make an impression and grow your career.
Step 2: Artist Persona + Brand
This is the fun stuff but can be challenging if you are not so visually oriented or want guidance (recommended!)
Building an artist persona can help to give you permission to step into a version of yourself separate from your daily life. This creates a healthy division between you, the artist and you, the person – and gives you permission to step into your alter ego! Start with your name and then a Pinterest board to get the visuals going.
Building your artist brand starts with your image and then expands out to your fonts, visuals, colors and your message – all such key components in impacting your listeners and building your community and the experience of your music.
Step 3: Artist Mission and Message
Next write out your Artist Mission. Your “Why”. Why you do music. What do you want your music to do in the world – for others? Write it out. Make it matter. Spend time on this until it really speaks for you. Then pepper that through all of your materials. Build your message and your songs to align with your mission statement.
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Step 4: Artist Roadmap + Timeline
Every artist needs a roadmap and a timeline. Artists are visionaries – but your vision is just a dream without a plan.
Where do you want to be in 3-5 years? What’s the goal? Do you want to build a local following or are you more of an online artist?
Start with the end goal and work backward. What needs to happen in 1 year to make your goal in 3?
Create the timeline and then fill in all of the action steps to execute. Aim for the highest peak.
In our Step Up to the Spotlight 6-week Artist Development Program we include a plan for how to make an album in one year. It’s in Module 5 of the program! Get yours here.
Step 5: Artist Strategy
Every career in music is different. It’s not a cookie cutter path. Some artists want to tour, some don’t. Some have big dreams, some just want to do music locally, or live inside a recording studio (me :)).
Knowing how to build the right opportunities is key. It starts with building a strategy that fits you and your music.
We start with your big goals and then we reverse engineer from there. I have guided thousands of artists through the process taking them from obscurity to working in the business, getting management or label deals or building their own beautiful brand and team. What is your big dream? What are the career opportunities you need to get there? Make a plan.
Need customized help? Whether you have been at this for a bit or are just getting started, set up a Strategy Session with Cari to map out the next 2 years to take you to the next level. Use Coupon Code: 50off at checkout to save $50.00.
The perfect place to get organized for FREE is my 6-week artist development program.
In March 2020, I made Step Up to the Spotlight – my artist development program, once an $897.00 program, FREE to help the artist community during the pandemic. It is still free – but it won’t be for much longer. Get in now and it will stay free for you.
START HERE: Step Up to the Spotlight 6 week Kickstart Artist Development Program. Transform your music and career. Join our community! Learn more.
So true