7 Marketing Trends For 2021
The new Global #Marketing Trends 2021 report from #Deloitte #Insights provides us with clues for what is heading our way in marketing.
Despite #pandemic overload, consumers have a positive perspective on how #brands are responding to the current environment, providing for positive experiences and even increased brand loyalty.
The top 7 trends are pointing to a need to lose the façade we often present to customers and instead be #authentic while holistically meeting their needs.
1: #Purpose
Why does your business exist and who are you serving? If you know this, being authentic comes easy.
2: #Agility
During times of change - such as during a pandemic – imagination and innovation are key.
3: #Real #Connections
Authentic human to human connections are more important than almost anything. Consumers will pay far more for the product with the heart-warming story or the ethically designed supply chain.
4: #Trust
This one never goes out of style. Try shifting your focus from demographics to values. Make a promise you can deliver and then deliver on that promise.
5: #CustomerParticipation
Customers are now and will continue to be an active component of the sales process. They write online reviews, offer advice to other customers, join conversations on social media and even create brand-relevant content. Embrace this trend because it’s not going away.
6: #Fusion of #Ideas and Strange Partnerships
Your business isn’t an island, or at least it shouldn’t be. Join together two different products to create a third or even partner with non-competing businesses to offer your customers something new and relevant that they need or want. For example, a life coach could partner with a physical trainer and a dietician to completely remake a person’s life.
7: #Talent #Transformation
You don’t need to be an #expert in most areas to gain a #CompetitiveAdvantage. Thanks to the gig economy as well as the ability to get help from expert freelancers all over the world, it makes more sense to focus on the big picture and let others handle the small details for you, especially if you hope to build your business to a large size in a short amount of time.