8 Steps to Beat Imposter Syndrome
Ever have moments where self-doubt creeps in, making you question your abilities?
Then, it steamrolls and you start to worry about accomplishing your goals?
Imposter syndrome can hinder personal and professional growth, but I'm here to help you conquer it and unleash your true potential!
Over the next week, I’ll be working tirelessly to help you overcome imposter syndrome in any aspect of your life.
Today, I’m kicking off our journey with 8 powerful steps that can transform your mindset and boost your confidence. These steps are designed to not only help you overcome imposter syndrome, but lead to greater, overall success and fulfillment.
Let’s roll…
1. Capturing Step: Recognize Circumstances and Triggers
You need to understand the triggers. Start a daily journal noting feelings and situational details. Recognize patterns to conquer self-doubt. The information you want to capture is more like filling out a “food diary” than a “feelings diary.” That is, I ate this _____, and this is how _____ it made me feel.
2. Perspective Change: Appreciate Your Abilities and Accomplishments
It’s important to stop and consider what’s happening and what’s happened. If we continue to move at the speed of our emotions, we never get to step back, and really analyze what’s transpired. Pause to reflect on your achievements, skills, and qualifications. Adjust success metrics to focus on what you can control.
3. Comparison: Just Stop, Focus on Yourself
Cultivate mindfulness and awareness to catch yourself when you start making detrimental comparisons. Redirect your thoughts toward your own progress and personal goals. Develop willpower to stay focused on your unique journey and accomplishments, reminding yourself that everyone has their path to follow.
4. Conditioning: Develop a Victory Mindset
Train for life like an athlete preparing for a race. The practice and conditioning and routine you set for yourself is an all-the-time thing. Consistent effort, regularly (as in constantly) celebrating small wins, and developing a “no-matter-what” mindset will build confidence and help conquer self-doubt.
5. Reconditioning: Build Habits for Success
As I often say, you cannot change your thoughts by thinking differently. You need to change your thoughts by doing differently. Overcoming imposter syndrome requires action, not just thoughts. That means, you must build habits aligned with your desired identity. Set the environment, do the task, reflect, and reward yourself to rewire your brain and boost self-belief.
6. Create Minimum Viable Products: Work on Live Targets Always
Practicing in real-life situations with Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) boosts growth and confidence. Treat everything as an opportunity for improvement, making each step meaningful, valuable, and bringing you closer to your goals. Become “walking progress” through constant iteration.
7. Ongoing Mastery: Educate and Improve
Once you attain that confidence and belief in yourself, you need to keep it. There’s no better way than dedicating yourself to continuous learning and improvement. Seek educational opportunities, workshops, and mentors who can guide you in honing your skills. Consistent self-improvement enhances your confidence and solidifies your expertise.
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8. Evaluation: Reflect on Your Journey
No matter who you are, you’ll never feel successful if you don’t take the time to reflect. We get so mired in the bits and bytes of today, we never step back to consider what happened and how we’re growing. Dedicate daily time for self-assessment to track your progress. Embracing self-awareness and staying connected to your goals will boost your confidence.
If you like this kind of material and want to grow and develop all the skills required to basically crush your career and life, then why not check out my leadership coaching program and also join me Friday September 22nd for more on overcoming imposter syndrome?
The short story is I meet monthly with the members to teach my latest strategies, tactics, and tools on building a rewarding career and leading a fulfilled life.
All the sessions are recorded and saved for you in what is now a mega leadership library.
The easiest way for you to see what’s inside the library, learn the methodology I teach, and the topics I’ve already covered is to grab my FREE, valuable skill-building roadmap and leadership assessment. (See pic below.)
Inside this FREE 47-page booklet, there is a ton of value including my-defined leadership tiers, the 46 essential skills to build, how to create your development plan, track your progress, and much more.
There are a couple of membership options to suit your needs.
You can join for as little $0.81/day!
Tons of bonuses. It’s really killer.
One last bit of inspiration before you go.
We all have our own personal mountain to climb.
I want to make sure you get to the top of yours, so I want to leave you with this inspirational video on the step you absolutely need to take max out your efforts.
Remember, I’m always in your corner. And, you got this.
Have a great weekend!
…put people first, results second.
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1ySelf-confidence is so important throughout life, but especially in career transition. These positive steps help you ignore the little whispers in your mind and focus on your achievements.
Strategic Associate Global Clinical Project Manager | Driving Clinical Trials From Concept To Completion | Leading in Phase I - III Trials
1yWe all need help. Climbing mountains alone is not a good idea. Find a mentor Patty Mendoza, MS,BA,BSN, RN, CCRC, CHRC, CCRP, RQAP-GCP to guide you along the way and to help keep you on course