#93 and #94: Clio Founder Jack Newton & Legal Process Coach John Grant
👋 Happy Holidays & welcome back to you and the 3,519 other members of the How I Lawyer Podcast LinkedIn Newsletter! A few notes and then not one but two fantastic episodes!
🎬 My On-Screen Debut: Ask a Professor
In a fun turn of events, Georgetown University asked me to join them for their video "Ask a Professor" Series to answer the question whether Kevin McAllister would be guilty of crimes against the Wet Bandits in the holiday classic. Check it out here to see my prediction.
📈 How I Lawyer: Year in Review
This podcast is about so much more than metrics like subscribers and downloads. That said, as I finish up year 2 of podcasting I decided to spend a little time reflecting on how far the podcast has come. Here are some exciting numbers and news from the past year:
🎙Two Episodes!
With that out of the way, I am excited to share not one but two great episodes.
In Episode #94 published today I spoke with Clio Founder and CEO Jack Newton. Although not a lawyer himself, Jack is a technologist and entrepreneur who has long been at the forefront of cloud-based legal technology who is recognized as one of the profession’s foremost experts on security, ethics, and privacy issues related to lawyers’ use of cloud computing. He is also the author of the Client-Centered Law Firm, a bestselling book, dedicated to helping law firms thrive in an experience-driven era. He holds a BS and MS in Computer Science from the University of Alberta (Go Golden Bears and Pandas).
In the conversation we discuss the story of how he founded a legal technology company despite not being a lawyer, the importance of learning about the business of law, the reasons why lawyers tend to be slow to change and the value of being OK with rejecting the status quo, finding the latent legal markets of today and tomorrow, reframing clients as customers, and more.
Recommended by LinkedIn
Listen Now: Jack Newton
In Episode #93 I spoke with John Grant . John worked in the technology industry for a decade before going to law school and then went on to practice in-house, in his own law firm, and as the executive director of the Commons Law Center in Portland Oregon which works to fill the access to civil justice gap for people who quality for legal aid or don't quality for free legal services but still have trouble affording legal services. Now John primarily works as a coach and consult for lawyers with his company Agile Professionals. He is a graduate of Tufts (Go Jumbos) and Lewis & Clark Law School.
In the conversation we discuss John’s path to law (including a story about how his great-grandfather basically founded the field of entertainment law), his work in the tech industry before going to law school (and how it helped him find success once in law school), and his work now counseling lawyers to work smarter not harder using process-oriented frameworks (and specifically Kanban boards).
This is the time of year where many lawyers take stock of their past work and recommit to processes and pathways to find greater success with less stress. This episode is a real brass tacks discussion of how to make that a reality.
Listen Now: John Grant
Thanks again for being a part of the How I Lawyer community and see you next week,
These episodes are sponsored, edited, and engineered by LawPods, a professional podcast production company for busy attorneys.
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