My own University; at age 42. I did it Granma. I made you proud. My focus is to help Gods people. No I am not the biggest artist on Earth. Only to you all...lol. But seriously. I don't produce all of the money in the world. But. This is where I want my 1% of 1% to go.
My fundamental education was different. Therefore, the way that I teach; is #AMAZING
Some of my students learn Audio. Some learn Visual. Some learn Audio visual. Some learn interactive. Some learn old school by hand. Others still use typewriters or print using regular computer systems. But, most, use all abilities and strategies. And that is what makes them different.
They can learn both Engineering and Technology, and Health all at the same time, while learning design, manufacturing, marketing, promotion, and distribution. Everything that they design has multiple purposes. In any company business or trade/ industry. Each one of my students will be more essential than thousands of your normal personnel.
Companies worldwide compete for them every 18 months. What started as $2,000,000.00 - $4,000,000.00 have tripled in price. Technology moves this #FAST.
A faculty can be built small, or to the metrics of the specific market place. For example. We have our church towards the East Wing of the Property. The West wing is all open space, where we can continue to build. Front The Ground Up. A major facility with a major simulator. The only thing I need to add from my investments is the #RACETRACK
There students can learn engineering from the inside out; as myself. All of my students are #PROTOTYPEDRIVERS
All manufactures that I have personally worked for in the past. Are all welcome to become our new business partners and sponsors for our Visa Scholarship Programs.
Books. But now digital. We really use Kindle Fire HD's. Kindle's technology is a full library/ digitally for my students. We use Wikepedia, and Google News; daily. We check all of the stock markets ourselves.
We can take any Prototype vehicle, from any manufacturer, in the greatest racetrack of all time. The entire island of the Dominican Republic. In how many minutes can your luxury high end exotic super hyper sports car; lap the island in?
I am building the worlds greatest race across all the continents, as part of this #VAYNERMEDIACHALLENGE
Only to end in the Dominican Republic. A few days of non stop partying, fine dining and cruising the entire island; resort to resort. Beaches to beaches.
Are you up for the challenge? All cars are welcomed. The entire country is you competition. Each driver will be given a number and a code name. A start and finish. All competitions, and side challenges will be broadcast and streamed live for the final versions of the race. All out drag road race. All vehicles allowed. Haiti to Punta Cana.
Top World Drivers And Automobiles #ONLY
Highest speed internet, from Starlink. My students will have the best of the best that I can afford. All sponsors are only to assist in the most minor of things. No questions asked.
Either we do business or we do business. Simple. My Academy is the best in the world. I put anyone of my students against any Ivy League.
Students have full electric mobility. Scooters. Bicycles. Executive Vehicles. Plus all Wearable technologies. From Apple or Samsung; as well as others. Not just one version. All versions.
My students start by learning every single NVDIA component. My students can build autonomous robots for the children in all of the poor villages.
My students are building the Wheel Chair Of The Future For The Future.
Why? Simple. I want my students to graduate and secure a future for themselves and all of their loved ones.
I love you all. Thank you for your time and valuable consideration #LINKEDINCHALLENGEDAY1