Accessibility and Visibility are often used interchangeably, especially in simple terms. However, in the world of data solutions, it's crucial to distinguish between them.
Accessibility pertains to your ability to connect to and utilize data for decision-making purposes.
On the other hand, Visibility involves having a comprehensive understanding of what's happening behind the scenes with your data.
For instance, if you request your Data Warehousing or Data Lakehouse datastore owners to extract data from source systems and transform it into the desired format for decision-making, two key concepts come into play:
Accessibility: This is achieved when your database administrator or datastore owner grants you privileges within the database, allowing you to read, write, or update your data.
Visibility: This extends beyond mere access. It encompasses a deep understanding of various aspects of your data, such as what was sourced, the business rules used for transformations, the presence of business, technical, or operational metadata, the formula for golden records, data quality assurance methods, data loading approaches (e.g., CDC, batch, real-time), SLAs, and lineage information, among other things. All of these elements collectively provide you with comprehensive Visibility into your data.
As I always say, ‘Three Golden Rules of Implementing a Solution i.e., Visibility, Accessibility and Maintainability.
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1yYou have simplified the terms by giving very good examples. Thanks for bringing this crucial topic! Mustafa Qizilbash