The Actions

The Actions

In case you’re interested...

For more strategies on using LinkedIn to generate more business, grab a free copy of my book: It’s the road map to connecting with prospects, engaging with and converting new clients, and levelling up your consulting business. - Click Here

Let’s dive in….

So I’m going to ask you a tough question. Be honest with yourself here…

Are you taking the actions required to achieve the outcome you desire?

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So many coaches, consultants, and experts attend seminars and conferences to learn what they need to do. But when it comes to taking actions on those lessons, they stall.

And we get it! Information is fun and exciting, implementation can be frustrating and tedious.

This is despite the fact that implementation and taking action leads to results, as one of our clients found out.

Actions lead to results

This client attended one of our intensives and created a video to put on their LinkedIn profile.

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That’s a simple tip for you right there. People prefer to watch videos rather than read thousands of words on a LinkedIn profile.

The client uploaded the video and went to bed. When they woke up, fresh off the event high, they started to think the video might be a little basic…

One login to LinkedIn proved how wrong they were.

Two unique inquiries sat in their inbox as a direct result of that video. Those two inquiries represented 20% of their monthly target.

All achieved in one day.

Action = Outcome.

Action gets everything going

It’s the number one principle leading to business success. If you want to be successful, you have to take action to get the wheels turning.

But here’s where so many business owners fall down. 

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They want to take action, but they want that action to be perfect.

Perfection is such a goal for them that they hold off until they think they’ve achieved it.

All the while, the ‘Do-ers’ take ‘imperfect’ action and gets results. They gain influence while the perfectionist sits on their hands waiting for perfect outcomes. Perfection is just a form of procrastination. 

The actions you take don’t have to be perfect, they just need to be consistent and they just need to be measured.

They just need to have a purpose. Every action you take needs to have a reason behind it.

Yes you might make mistakes along the way. That’s okay. Win or learn right?

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As long as you know why you’re doing something and follow a proven strategy - commit to taking consistent action. You’ll either learn or you’ll reach your desired outcome.

Happy Influencing

Rana “The Man of Action” Saini

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you grow your business using LinkedIn and our Influencer Project strategies...

  1. Join the Influencer Boardroom and connect with other coaches and consultants: It’s our fast growing Facebook Community (1600+ members) where smart coaches and consultants are levelling up their LinkedIn game - it’s FREE to join. - Click Here
  2. Sign up for our FREE online workshop: Learn how we built our business (from scratch) using 2 LinkedIn profiles to grow our revenue and sales within 4 months using a simple 3-step strategy. - Click Here
  3. Grab a free copy of my book: It’s our LinkedIn Client Attraction Play Book where you learn the exact, step-by-step process to connect, engage and convert, more ideal clients usingLinkedIn - Click Here
  4. Work with me and my team privately and get big results in 90 days: If you’ve got an established business and would like to work directly with me and my team to implement your LinkedIn strategy customised to your business and level things up fast… have a look at our client results, then apply here and give me some details about your business.

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