Acts of Nature

Acts of Nature

In a free society every thing is laid out on the table for review. Humans have developed theories about almost every aspect of life. It is our nature to question things. We've witnessed the evolution of ideas in these modern times. Lets Share.

Cons: Call it what you like Evolution, Creation no matter.... Human terminology can't really ever describe the true workings of nature...To Know the Mind of GOD would be GOD... I'm content at this point with just being Human.

Response 1-  Who is God?

Sol- " GOD is a multiple choice question and can be what ever your imagination can create. The concept of a GOD has evolved along with the human race, and changes with each new generation. Humans create GOD within their own mind. Does God exist outside the mind of Man? Well the answer to that is, no. Nature seems to need no GOD, for Nature alone is GOD enough all by itself. Awesome! The best way I can think of to describe this is to be careful what you wish for cause it just might appear right before your very eyes. " In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For the sunlight shines to both the evil and the good, and the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike."

Response 2- So, what you're saying is, God is you when we decide to be a pretend patriarchal answerer and comforter to our own questions and doubts, and not actually a real part of the natural world; Interesting. You sound like a deist. I thought I was a deist for a long time, but I've actually always been an atheist. I've just become more honest with myself in recent years. It would be nice if most people would had your view. It's a lot more flexible instead of saying he's an invisible person who is *right and good* even when doing nasty shit, and who wrote a book (through the divine inspiration of middle eastern shepherds) order to reveal himself (instead of just revealing himself) and will allow his alter ego to throw you into a pit of fire if you don't believe everything in it (including stupid bits, evil violent bits, contradictory bits, magic bits, and bits that are empirically and evidently completely false). Fundamentalism is on the rise again, causing millions of people in the world to become very dangerous when forced to rationalize realities that are outside their own 'allowed realities.' Already, this is what much of the world's violence is over - science and rationality clashing with inflexible and false world views.

Sol- " Yes! Anything that is more powerful than man, or is out of his control can be defined as an, " ACT OF GOD" but in all reality it is more like an Act of Nature. And, Yes indeed it is sad that religion as a force is a lot of what is wrong with the human species and separates more people than any other factor, more than oceans, borders, and economics. Science of course is the search for truth if used in its true method, but even there science can be used as a division among men, as science can be used to make weapons of mass destruction, or hybrid germs for biological warfare. so Sad!"

Response 3- Atheism is a form of religion too. A good scientist keeps an open mind, but doesn't let his brains fallout!

Response 4-Not this stupidity again! Stop telling me what I am, Brian - I don't believe there is enough evidence for a 'god' - I'm not saying 'I know there isn't one.' I don't 'know' whether living ice bunnies live on Pluto - but I don't believe they do. Do I do sports like not-football or not-cricket? You don't believe in Krishna - can I accuse you of having the religion of non-Krishnism? What about non-Odinism? A 'good scientist' (as opposed to liars like Behe and members of the Discovery Institute, AiG or Kent Hovind and thousands of inflexible American fundamentalist pastors, middle eastern Islamic clerics and Orthodox Jews) regard any concept that has no empirical evidence (for or against) as unfalsifiable ,' until they get that evidence. Do I really have to have an open mind about a tea service in orbit around the planet Saturn, or small people with butterfly wings on their back who live in flowers? You've got the saying the wrong way round, it's having a mind that's far too open the causes your brains to fall out. Besides, if it was a religion what are you complaining about? it's the fact that you know it's not that you find so distasteful.

Response 5-  This is the first time I have read actual "thoughts" without having to read all the name calling back and forth....this is very interesting and makes me actually think......I guess presentation DOES play an important roll

Sol- " Yay! As it turns out Nature is more magical, and mysteriously wonderful than any GOD even the humans can conjure up! Those that learn to live within Nature, utilizing it's awesome power as their very habitats will soon discover that as it is written the sunshine and the rain comes to all people but, what one does with the energy within the sunshine and the rain is what matters."

Response 6- Your suggesting that these two very different ideas are equivalent. They are not. One is testable and supported by so many different lines of evidence that's it's essentially fact. The other is untestable nonsense.

Sol- " The greatest power the Human has, is imagination. Every human idea, book, invention, thought, dream and or vision grew out of this wonderful natural event called the imagination. Is human imagination a product of nature is the question, or has man separated himself so far from nature that his imagination has become something else altogether? But, if human imagination is truly a product of nature it will be that very nature that will keep mankind within the laws of nature. So in the end it is these laws of nature that is the one and only limiting factor to human expansion and therefore his only GOD. As they say down at the Chiffon Butter factory, " It's not nice to fool mother nature."

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