Ad-hoc HubSpot analytics with ChatGPT

Ad-hoc HubSpot analytics with ChatGPT

Marketers have countless questions about the technology stack and marketing performance, and we often believe that answering them and acting based on the results leads to incredible success.

We wish that all of these questions had an answer available right here, right now. Sometimes, however, the question is peculiar enough not to warrant a report or dashboard but too important to leave unanswered. Or, the question is just so multi-faceted that producing an answer from the readily available data is not possible.

Let's have an example:

What pages exist on our website that have not been translated to the other supported languages?

ClickOps is the answer if listing pages fit on one screen

If the site is small, all you have to do is expand the multi-language groups and tally the languages. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like in HubSpot:

And here is an excerpt of the screenshot where you become desperate and realize that doing it manually probably isn't a good idea:

There has to be a better way.

Call GenAI to the rescue

I use ChatGPT daily for production purposes. So I thought to have a conversation about this question.

I need to export information from our HubSpot of all the pages that exist in English but not in Finnish

The answer was essentially telling how to achieve the outcome through ClickOps. But the final part of the answer looks interesting. I can use HubSpot CMS API.

Let's ask about the Multi-language groups.

How does it recognize multi-language pages?

ChatGPT gave a succinct but generic answer about how Multi-Language groups work. But I need information how to access them through the API.

How do I query a list of pages using cms api? I want the results in Google sheets

Here the answer became more specific and useful.

  1. API Key or Private App Token: You need a HubSpot API key or a private app token with CMS permissions.
  2. HubSpot's CMS Pages API allows you to retrieve page data. Here’s the endpoint:
  3. Setting Up Google Sheets: Go to Apps - Extensions and past the following.

I read the script through to make sure it was not doing anything malicious, copied and pasted it to Google Script, and tried to run it. Expectedly, it failed.

Iterate the solution with ChatGPT

ChatGPT would rather provide a wrong answer than say, "I don't know". This results in the solution often being broadly correct but unfunctional.

In this case, ChatGPT:

  1. Suggested using API Key that has been deprecated 2 years ago as an authentication method
  2. Used an API that doesn't exist. While the API_URL was broadly correct, it doesn't exist. You have to use ''
  3. Used an incorrectly labeled attribute to identify the ID of the translated page. Instead of using languageGroupID, you have to use translatedFromId

Fix the authentication part

HubSpot offers an extensive API to help answer these questions. In this case, the CMS API gives access to necessary information. All you need is a Private App. Go to Settings—Integrations—Private Apps and create a Private app that gives you the Access Token. Here, I have set the scope of the Private App to Read-only to ensure that anyone can only use this Private App for the desired purpose.

Now I am ready to face the problems in the script.

Deciphering the data structure

The Google Script that ChatGPT provided looks credible, but was not correct.

HubSpot uses a multi-language group to associate translated pages with the parent page. In the data structure, the association is created by having a page's ID stored in the translatedFromID attribute (HubSpot CMS API reference). This way, every translated page carries information about the page it is translating.

Once I had figured out the attribute from the API reference for the Id of the page that this page translates, all was fine. I wanted to ensure that the data structure I will be working on considers the parent page as part of the multi-language group, and helps me easily tell apart the parent pages from the translations.

Here is the final code that works

function getHubSpotPagesWithLanguageGroup() {
  const API_URL = '';
  const TOKEN = 'aoeu-aoeu-aoeu-aoeu'; // Replace with your private app token
  const SHEET_NAME = 'Pages'; // Name of the sheet where results will be saved

  const options = {
    method: 'get',
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${TOKEN}`,
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    muteHttpExceptions: true, // Allows capturing the full response, even for errors

  try {
    let hasMore = true;
    let page = 0;
    const allPages = [];

    while (hasMore) {
      const paginatedUrl = `${API_URL}?limit=100&offset=${page * 100}`;
      const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(paginatedUrl, options);
      const statusCode = response.getResponseCode();

      if (statusCode !== 200) {
        // Log the full response and throw an error for further debugging
        Logger.log('Error Response: ' + response.getContentText());
        throw new Error(`API request failed with status ${statusCode}`);

      const data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());

      // Check for more pages
      hasMore = data.paging &&;
      page += 1;

    // Write results to Google Sheets
    const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME) || 
    sheet.clear(); // Clear old data

    // Set headers
    const headers = ['ID', 'Name', 'Language', 'Language Group ID', 'Translated page', 'Updated At', 'URL', 'Slug'];

    // Append page data
    const rows = => {
      // Determine if the page is translated (based on translatedFromId being null or not)
      const translatedStatus = page.translatedFromId ? 'yes' : 'no';  // If translatedFromId is not null, it's translated

      return [,,
        page.translatedFromId ? page.translatedFromId :, // Use translatedFromId, or fall back to
        translatedStatus, // "yes" or "no" based on translatedFromId being null or not

    rows.forEach(row => sheet.appendRow(row));

  } catch (error) {
    Logger.log('Error: ' + error.message);

This produced a Google Sheet in the desired format.

Because I didn't want to process all of it, I created one more filter in the adjacent sheet that filtered the pages to leave only pages from our corporate website, excluding event-specific domains and sandbox. I used the following Google Sheet formula.

  FILTER(Pages!A:Z, REGEXMATCH(Pages!G:G, "")),

This prepared me for the next step. Now I have the master data. But I want to transpose this information. I need to know what languages have been translated from the parent page.

Turning the data into the final format

Again, I returned to ChatGPT. This time, my prompt was a little longer. Note that at the end, I gave an example of the desired output. I used ChatGPT o1-preview.

I have a Google Script that produces me a summary in Google Sheet of the pages in HubSpot. The summary includes the following columns:
ID of the page,Name of the page,Language of the page,Language Group ID (the page ID which this page is a transation of, or the page id of the page itself if the page is not a translation of another page),Translated page (yes/no whether this page is a translation of another page),Updated At,URL,Slug
I want to produce separate sheet in the same file that analyzes the summary, and tells me in which languages the given page has been translated. each language in the language column should have its own column in the new sheet.
The columns should be produced as follows: Page ID (this must always be a page that is not translated), URL, Language (of the page read from the other sheet), Language name (where the name is the language of the translation): The name of the column is the language code read from the other sheet, and the value is the URL of the translated page
Example lines would be:
Page ID, URL, Language, fi, no, sv, da, dk
1234,, en,, no,, no, no
Please give me the Google Script that analyses the worksheet called Pages and produces a worksheet called Translations based on the specification above.

After 16 seconds of thinking, ChatGPT provided a Google Script. I only had to revise the column header labels, and the script worked out of the box.

function generateTranslationsSheet() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var pagesSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Filtered Pages');
  if (!pagesSheet) {
    SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Pages sheet not found!');
  // Read all data from the 'Pages' sheet
  var data = pagesSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  // Assuming the first row is the header
  var headers = data[0];
  data = data.slice(1);
  // Map column headers to their indices
  var idxPageID = headers.indexOf('ID');
  var idxName = headers.indexOf('Name');
  var idxLanguage = headers.indexOf('Language');
  var idxLanguageGroupID = headers.indexOf('Language Group ID');
  var idxTranslatedPage = headers.indexOf('Translated page');
  var idxUpdatedAt = headers.indexOf('Updated At');
  var idxURL = headers.indexOf('URL');
  var idxSlug = headers.indexOf('Slug');
  if (idxPageID == -1 || idxLanguage == -1 || idxLanguageGroupID == -1 || idxTranslatedPage == -1 || idxURL == -1) {
    SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Required columns not found!');
  var languageSet = new Set();
  var pageDataByID = {}; // Map of page ID to its data
  var pagesByGroupID = {}; // Map of Language Group ID to pages
  var originalPages = {}; // Map of original page IDs to their data
  // Process each row to collect data
  data.forEach(function(row) {
    var pageID = row[idxPageID];
    var name = row[idxName];
    var language = row[idxLanguage];
    var languageGroupID = row[idxLanguageGroupID];
    var translatedPage = row[idxTranslatedPage];
    var updatedAt = row[idxUpdatedAt];
    var url = row[idxURL];
    var slug = row[idxSlug];
    var pageData = {
      pageID: pageID,
      name: name,
      language: language,
      languageGroupID: languageGroupID,
      translatedPage: translatedPage,
      updatedAt: updatedAt,
      url: url,
      slug: slug
    pageDataByID[pageID] = pageData;
    if (!pagesByGroupID[languageGroupID]) {
      pagesByGroupID[languageGroupID] = [];
    if (translatedPage.toLowerCase() == 'no') {
      originalPages[pageID] = pageData;
  // Convert the language set to a sorted array
  // OLD: var languages = Array.from(languageSet).sort();
  var languages = Array.from(languageSet).sort().slice(1);
  // Prepare data for the 'Translations' sheet
  var outputData = [];
  // Header row for the 'Translations' sheet
  var outputHeaders = ['Page ID', 'URL', 'Language'].concat(languages);
  for (var pageID in originalPages) {
    var originalPage = originalPages[pageID];
    var row = [];
    var translations = pagesByGroupID[originalPage.pageID]; // Pages in the same language group
    var translationMap = {}; // Map of language to page data
    if (translations) {
      translations.forEach(function(page) {
        translationMap[page.language] = page;
    languages.forEach(function(lang) {
      if (lang == originalPage.language) {
        // For the original language, put the URL
      } else if (translationMap[lang]) {
      } else {
  // Write data to the 'Translations' sheet
  var translationsSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Translations');
  if (!translationsSheet) {
    translationsSheet = ss.insertSheet('Translations');
  } else {
  // Set the data in the 'Translations' sheet
  translationsSheet.getRange(1, 1, outputData.length, outputData[0].length).setValues(outputData);

As a result of this script, I was now presented with the following table that met my requirements.

Here is a screenshot from the random location of the listing:

Finally, I created a pivot table for each language, pivoting by the URL and filtering by the language column including a "no" value:

Now, the Field marketers in each country can easily review the list and produce translations for those pages that deserve them, and the Growth marketing team can run the first script as a batch job frequently to monitor how the situation develops.

As an ancillary benefit, the report also reveals technical debt, in case multi-language groups have not been established correctly.

Conclusion. Do not try to reason, interrogate ChatGPT

AI can't overpower knowledge workers, at least not immediately. However, a knowledge worker who uses AI might overpower a knowledge worker who disregards its abilities.

Supplementary material: Do it yourself - Step by step

If you have not used Google Script before, you can follow these steps and repeat this analysis to your HubSpot instance.

Create a Private App in HubSpot

Open HubSpot and click the cogwheel icon to get to the Settings.

Go to Integrations—Private Apps and create a new Private app.

Go to Scope and make sure to include Content in the Other category.

Save the app and copy the Access Token for later.

Add Google Scripts to the Google Sheets

Create new Google Sheets, and go to Extensions-Apps Script.

Paste the first script into the first placeholder file that opens.

Add your Access Token from the Private app to the TOKEN variable.

Save the script.

Run it, and give permissions when prompted.

Go back to the Google Sheet and witness how the rows are being populated ever so slowly.

Create a new worksheet.

Copy the headers from the first worksheet to the second sheet.

Paste the following script to A2 cell.

  FILTER(Pages!A:Z, REGEXMATCH(Pages!G:G, "")),

Go back to Google Script.

Create a new file by clicking on + -sign and select Script.

Paste and save the second script.

Run the script.

Go back to the Google Sheet and see how the information is organized in the desired way.

Create Pivots. Select all and then Insert—Pivot Table.

Add URL to Row.

Add Language to Filters. Filter by the language you consider as your primary language. This eliminates those pages that do not have a language specified, as well as those local pages (promoting local offering portfolio) that don't have to be translated into other languages.

Additionally, add the Specific language as another filter. Select "no" as the only option in the filter.

You have now filtered your pages in the primary language that have not been translated to your target language.


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