Adaptability - the Leadership Skill required for COVID-19 and beyond
Well COVID-19 definitely tested our ability to embrace (or maybe not) change. What about our ability to embrace and demonstrate Adaptability. When focusing on developing your expertise as a leader, there are many characteristics which you can list off as a must-have skill for the role. What words spring to mind? Passion, perhaps? Integrity, honesty, leading change, communication…but how about adaptability? It is often left off of the list and is one of the most underrated skills a good leader can possess.
Lets explore Adaptability and some ways you can train yourself to be more adaptable.
What is Adaptability?
To understand adaptability, you first must understand the meaning. From a dictionary perspective it means to adjust oneself readily to different conditions – the keyword, of course, being ‘readily’. While we can all adapt to change, it may not necessarily be a want or even a desire on our part; and many leaders struggle with the consistent change in a challenging environment. However, in the changeable landscape of today, adaptability is a much sought after skill.
We all have the basic ability to adapt – we learn these skills at a young age when we are introduced to different environments, sights and sounds. But as we age, we get set in our ways and lose the ability to adapt to new situations as easily. We start to resist change seeking the often well-trodden easier neural path.
But the good news is we can be taught to adapt. We can learn to take ourselves out of our comfort zones regardless of our level or position in the organisation. And it can help us with all aspects of our lives when sudden changes occur. Soft skill training such as this is generally more difficult than learning a tangible skill, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t be done.
Alter Behaviours to Achieve Adaptability
Like any muscle in our body it can be exercised, enabling us to look for new opportunities, to try out new things and be open to new ideas. Experiential learning to assist with aspects such as creativity and problem solving is necessary to help retrain our thought patterns. You can take on tasks to learn new skills or request new jobs in your regular workday to stretch your safety zone.
Being aware and staying alert to change should be at the forefront of your mind. Reassess your current structures and always try to keep an open mind. Maintaining a closed attitude will limit your ability to adapt in the long term. Don’t be afraid to overturn your past decisions in favour of new ones. It is about taking different paths and letting go of the fear of the unknown that often accompanies such a journey.
Adaptability Requires Emotional Change
Adaptability is not just about a shift in our mindset; it also encompasses a behavioural and emotional change. The emotional aspect can be the most difficult – changing those thought patterns from negative to positive. It is not, by any means, an overnight change. Having this resilience in your toolkit will enable you to stay ahead of the pack and think differently from other less pliable leaders.
Encouragement from all levels of the organisation to seek alternative methods of action is necessary to ensure that soft skills like this are enabled to their full potential. Clear guidance from other mentors is also necessary to make sure that it remains a priority for the long-term benefit of the business.
So, are you adaptable? In his article in Forbes entitled, “14 Signs of an Adaptable Person,” Jeff Boss identifies the following traits of adaptable people: they experiment, see opportunity where others see failures, they are resourceful, they think ahead, don’t whine, talk to themselves, and don’t blame others. They also don’t claim fame, are curious, open their minds, see systems, and stay current.
If you do not possess these traits, there are ways you can train yourself to be more adaptable:
1. Change Your Thought Process
Let go of the “Well, that’s the way we’ve always done it” mentality. While change can be truly scary and intimidating, embrace it and look at change as an opportunity to improve, learn, and grow. It can open the door to creativity as well. This also means, however, being open to the thoughts and opinions of others, i.e. different perspectives.
2. Force Yourself to Take Risks
Little progress is made without risk. For some, the idea of risk is so adverse that they will run from it as fast as they can, but taking risks is key part of being adaptable. Start small and to increase comfort, discuss risk taking as part of team meetings, which can serve as a system of support.
3. Encourage Others to Be Open Minded
One of the best ways you can develop an open mind is to encourage others to do the same. This creates a more open atmosphere in and around you, thereby further encouraging your open-mindedness and to continue the cycle. It also serves as a means to shut down closed-minded thinking, such as “Well, that’s how we’ve always done it.”
4. Embrace Learning
As noted in the Forbes article, people who are curious and stay current tend to be adaptable. This means you need to embrace learning. Read up about new technologies in your industry sector, go to seminars on how to cut costs while maintaining efficiency and quality, learn about process improvement, connect with colleagues who have this kind of vision and learn from them, read what they read, etc.
Change and uncertainty is a part of everyday life and having the skills to navigate make the handling of such issues so much easier. So what can you do today that bears slightly off course from your standard routine? Remember, it’s the small steps that can often make the biggest differences over time.
How are you making steps towards being an adaptable leader? Who is keeping you accountable? Find out more about our Leadership Resources and Programs starting from $29. Get in touch today to find out more about McDonald Inc.'s leadership programs, workshops and coaching.
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System Engineer for ISEO UKI Ltd
3yWhat a great article! I love the actual practical tools we can implement in our every day life to widen our comfort zones and therefore to develop our adaptability in the business, workplace or even when any other sudden extreme changes happen in our lives!
CEO at The Expert Project
4yA well-developed article, I enjoyed that explanation about adaptation!