The Age of Popularity
Every day is easier to disseminate information whether it is truth, provocation, lying, protest, questioning or even condemnation. It started early, with videos of Saddam Hussein's execution or even about United breaking guitars (Cause United breaks guitars ...)
Today with that ability, everyone can have their own channel and live stream for free! It really looks incredible and tempting, since everyone wants their five seconds of fame, sometimes even less!
We who are the common population have a quicker understanding of what is happening around us and we can frequently question, even though protected by a keyboard and a screen, we feel free to comment and criticize.
That's why it is increasingly common behavior "buddy" politicians, example of several mayors all around the country. In my case I closely follow the mayor of São Paulo João Doria and the mayor of Sorocaba José Crespo.That happens before with the Obama campaing also, but the charge for communication by the population is very aggressive and the answer is coming in medium time, what is good since before them there was no communication and the population was simply in the dark with no answers. They're working to keep information continuously, using social networks and of course creating their new habits with garbage uniforms, working under rain and even using public transport instead of official cars as was the standards. (at least in Brazil was the standards mayor to have a driver and an official great and expensive car).
This shows the generation change we are experiencing and how previous generations may be harmed if they do not keep mood. I mean both, people and for work tools. This charge is also common within companies, previously related as part of the "Y" generation's behavior or anything like that in which people want to be part of something, part of a process.
New concepts assimilate "The Body of the Company" (already cited years ago by James R Ogden, Roberto Adami Tranjan and other authors business directors), with the idea that marketing should no longer be separated from B2B or B2C but H2H ( Human to Human, person to person).All this assimilation is nothing more than the presence of the manager with his team in a continuous way in which everyone really feels part of a team, a piece of a body that to function needs them informed.
In other hand, we also talk about the "unpopularity" of Presidents today (Brazil and United States), weak in direct communication or social network and with the"picture" that put him as distant from the majority population, as in a pedestal. The same can happen with a manager who still thinks it is necessary to be in hard access and short conversation,all to be clear about who makes the decisions is him. These should then follow the example of politicians who are taking the opposite route: they dress as garbage collector and go out in the streets. Obviously they are not doing this because they like or because they are nice guys or they still in political campaign, but because it makes them close to the reality of the citizen. Also you can't forget to record, register and post to keep the communication active and once started it will be a path with no come back, but that will show if you're working or if you are just another manager, another politician who continues to disappoint those who should be trusting you. For political campaign, this could become into a constant advertising campaign as well, for executives managers can make trust and good work more attractive than playing games and not sharing information.
Is that you? Are you a popular manager who communicates actively and in a open way? Is your boss an old-fashioned way with face and door closed style?Leave your comment!