AI: A Blessing or A Curse? YOU Decide!
Being a 'cup half-full' kinda guy, I've already made up my mind. For me, AI will bring blessings in ABUNDANCE to those who leverage AI for their benefit.. and for the good of humanity.
Welcome to Issue 60 of 1idea.
Just as a knife can be used for 'good' (to cut a slice of bread), or 'bad' (to maim or kill), so can any new technology be used for 'good' or 'bad' dependent on the intent of the user.
The pace of change in AI developments is happening so rapidly that, since producing Issue 59: AI: We Have Seen The FUTURE.. and We LIKE It!, so much in the way of quality insights have been expressed by key players integral to this rapidly unfolding AI era. This issue will point you to key videos I have been watching recently that YOU will need to watch in full to fully grasp their importance to YOU and the future of YOUR Family, Business & Lifestyle. Enjoy.
In a recent post to my followers on LinkedIn, I wrote: 'Whatever your views.. whatever your beliefs.. if YOU are not taking AI seriously for YOURSELF.. at least dig deep into why these two leaders are making the statements they make in - Elon Musk & Israeli Prime Minister | AI, Anti-Semitism (Benjamin Netanyahu) & follow these leaders and influencers in follow-up discussion in - AI SAFETY PANEL | Elon Musk, Max Tegmark, Greg Brockman, Benjamin Netanyahu.
I repeat, '..whatever your views, whatever your beliefs', when multiple-times Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, says of AI being - 'The single most important development in our lifetime and in many ways perhaps.. in history!' - I sit up and want to listen.. and wonder what the leaders of each and EVERY country in the world are making of AI, right now.
In the video below, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, asks a critical question which I paraphrase as: 'Are leaders of countries asking the critical questions about AI and it's potential effect on the job market.. and seeking answers now?' I ask further: 'What are YOUR country's leaders doing to plan for the impact of AI on your country's economy & job market?'
'AI is probably the most disruptive technology ever' - Elon Musk at VivaTech, Paris June16, 2023
I must say that I am always highly impressed with Emad Mostaque when he talks, this at the recent CoqX Festival 2023 - Emad Mostaque: How generative AI will unlock humanity's potential | CogX Festival 2023 - 'What I'm interested in, is not Artificial General Intelligence, but Amplified Human Intelligence. What can we do with this technology to amplify our capabilities, to solve our broken systems.. intelligence is becoming distributed and moving to the edge and the implications of that are immense.. we have at our fingertips the things that we need to activate our potential.. this is an epochal change.'
An excellent interview here (below): Mustafa Suleyman: The AI Pioneer Reveals the Future in 'The Coming Wave' | Intelligence Squared - 'Pi stands for personal intelligence and I believe that over the next few years everybody is going to have their own personal AI. There are going to be hundreds of thousands of AIs in the world. They'll represent businesses. They'll represent brands. Every government will have its own AI. Every non-profit.. every musician.. artist.. record label.. everything that is now represented by a website or an app is soon going to be represented by an interactive, conversational, intelligent service that represents the brand values and the ideas of whatever organization is out there, and we believe that at the same time everybody will want their own personal AI.. one that is on your side, in your corner helping you to be more organized, helping you to make sense of the world. It really is going to function as almost like a chief of staff, or prioritizing, planning, teaching, supporting.'
Recommended by LinkedIn
Did you catch this: 'To give you a sense of the trajectory we're on with respect to computation, over the last 10 years, every single year, the amount of compute that we have used for the cutting edge AI models has grown by 10x. So 10x, 10x, 10x. 10x. 10 times in a row. Now that is unprecedented in technology history. Nowhere else have we seen a trajectory anything like that. Over the next five years we'll add probably three or four orders of magnitude basically another thousand times the compute that you see used today to produce GPT4.. something that's never been seen before, and that's exactly what we want from AI. We want to discover new knowledge. We want it to invent new types of science, new solutions to problems, and I think that's really what we're likely to get. I believe that if we can get that right we're headed towards an era of radical abundance.'
Concludes Mustafa Suleyman: 'To me, the goal of society is a quest for radical abundance.. how can we create more with radically less and liberate people from the obligation to work.. and that means that we have to figure out the question of redistribution, and obviously that is an incredibly hard one and obviously I address it in the book - The Coming Wave. The challenge of AI, that is a good lens for understanding the impact that AI has in general, it is going to amplify the very best of us and it's also going to amplify the very worst of us!'
Bill Gates says in this latest interview (below): 'AI is is going to change jobs in a pretty dramatic way it's going to make people more productive and help out so yes this is a world-changing set of advances.'
Previous issues that focus on AI that you should deep dive into:
If you're new to us it is recommended that you read issue 1: One Idea is All it Takes
About: Trevor Nel is an 'ideas-generating machine' and co-founder of WISDOMS™. You can connect with WISDOMS™ and become: 1. a PATRON and/or; 2. a PLAYER , and/or; 3. a PARTNER - follow each link for more info.
Next week:
Trevor Nel is author of One Idea Is All It Takes and numerous publications & articles, including :
My main purpose is to help You, yes YOU to make smart financial decisions and to become financial independent as soon as possible and live an INSPIRATE LIFE, dont wait till you reach my age!!
1yThanks again Trevor for a very informative article, I haven't as used AI that much but what I did so far just helping for some great article already save me a bunch of time. Wishing you more than enough! 🙏😘👉🏾👣💪🦅