About AI and the current technology
About AI and the current technology
⓵ The “Cosmología Andina” through Q'ros tribe in the high mountains of Peru details the six levels of consciousness, and where AI and robotics will never be able to recreate artificially.
⓶ Coherence is something that no type of artificial recreation will be able to recreate since coherence refers to the correct synchronization between the neurons of the brain and the 40k neurons of the Heart Chakra, and the machines that I know of lack the latter. Helping people to achieve the inner peace in order to recover the coherence is possible but based on our own technology called JAYNSTEIN Æ Tech One, and never based on the unhealthy AI.
⓷ Finally but no less important, no one in the history of the development of technology in large corporations has been concerned about how these new devices affect the health of the Human Being, and even less so that they are sustainable with our planet.
It takes a lot of wisdom to know that all this does not lead to evolution as a species, but to self-destruction. More energy to feed all this implies more exploitation of resources without there being enough. Nuclear Energy has its disastrous consequences, and it is what they are using to promote the development of AI. A complete disaster with an expiration date if we do not get this back on track in time. For all this, at JAYNSTEIN LLC we are guided by two ethical premises: That the technology we design is healthy for Human Beings, and second, that it is sustainable for the planet.
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The development of technology where the Internet began as a tool to display knowledge anywhere on the planet has become the following problems due to our unhealthy dependence, namely:
⓵ Electronic devices have generated a new addiction to them, and due to this continued use due to our addiction, we consume large amounts of energy due to the recharging of their batteries.
⓶ Social Networks are creating mental problems due to the consumption of random content to which a healthy mind should not have such continuous access.
⓷ There is no education oriented to the healthy use of electronic devices.
⓸ There are no filters for new generations and children to consume inappropriate content.
All this is a strategy in which health and technology have created a new alliance to govern the markets. That is why at JAYNSTEIN LLC we think differently, exactly the opposite of recovering our maximum level of consciousness through technology, which is why our first actions have been directed towards the study and dissemination of how energy is generated in balance in the Multiverse.
Jay Robles Pecharroman
Founder & CEO